Chapter I

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Lana was standing among the crowd of people, trying to find out what type of artillery the guards inside carried. She huffed in frustration as the guard she was subtly shadowing turned around again, preventing her from identifying his gun.

  Deciding for a different approach she 'accidentally' bumped into the guard. He grabbed both of her arms to steady her. She apologized in her best Italian, which unfortunately wasn't very good, while glancing at the gun in his holster. She shot him a 'friendly' smile and walked off.

As she was returning to the room where Victor was perched in, she couldn't help but notice the exquisite interior of the mansion. The Rossi Estate truly was a breathtaking building.

  She hadn't been to Italy much, despite going there often when she was a little girl on holiday. The country amazed her, but it held too much ties to her past. Lana picked up her pace, knowing Drake and his long lost brother would have scaled the walls of the estate by now.

She pushed the door of the room open only to find Drake and his brother had already arrived. The two brothers were startled by the sound, as they did not expect another person to enter. Victor acknowledged her with a nod which she returned. Lana waited patiently for Victor to greet the Drakes, making herself repeat the information she had gathered in her mind so she wouldn't forget it. After Victor greeted Nathan with a hug he turned to Nathan's brother.

''I'll be goddamned,'' he said, ''fifteen years...''

''Yep,'' the guy shortly answered. He was standing as stiff as a board, either he was uncomfortable or very distrustful. Most likely both.

Nevertheless Victor gave him a warm smile and shook his hand. ''Glad to see you alive, Sam.'' Thankfully Victor filled Lana in on 'Sam's whole situation earlier, so their conversation wasn't entirely cryptic to her.

''Lana Cliffs. Never thought I'd see you again.'' Nathan's voice distracted Lana from her eavesdropping. A genuine smile found its way on Lana's face as she directed her attention to him.

''I see you don't exactly get the concept of 'retirement','' she replied. He chuckled and bowed his head down.

"I'll have you know I was actually very successful at being retired for a while."

Lana's eyes narrowed as she pretended to find out if he was lying or not. "I'll believe that when I see it," she said.

In the meantime, Sam had crept up behind Nathan and was eyeing Lana warily.
"How do we know she won't stab us in the back?" he whispered to his brother. Nathan sighed and put a hand on Sam's shoulder. "Quit being so suspicious of everyone, Sam. I've known Lana for a long time, you gotta trust me on this one, alright?"

Sam reluctantly nodded his head and went over to Lana, who was watching the scene with an amused look in her eyes. He held out his hand and introduced himself, even though he knew she had already heard who he was.

Lana's lips formed her trademark smirk as she shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Sam Drake." He didn't return her smile as he replied, ''Nice to meet you too, Cliffs.''

Nathan smiled and turned to Victor.

'' Alright Sully, anything we need to know before we go in?''

Victor's expression shifted at Nate's words, as he replied: ''Yeah... About that.'' He proceeded to walk towards the entrance of the room while gesturing for the rest to follow him. ''C'mon, lemme show you something.''

Point Of No Return ~ Uncharted 4 [Sam Drake]Where stories live. Discover now