In the Hollywood hills

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Friends over seas part 24
Co:do you wanna go to the park for a  night hike round L.A it would be your first time
Did he just ask me on a date..... kinda but either way WAAAAAYYHOOOO
Y/n: sure I'll get ready
-you and Corbyn get changed into gym clothes and you grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator-
Y/n:I got you water corbyn
Co: thanks I'll be one second just making sure I got everything
Y/n: we are only going on a hike
Co:what happens when we need to sit down and there's no seats
Y/n: (sniggers at his random thinking) ok whatever hurry up before the others get back
-Corbyn comes downstairs from his room-
Y/n: ya ready now
Co: yes
-begins to hike-
I don't know what it is with Corbyn but he seems very very nervous for something, which honestly concerns me a lot, it could be something about me and him or the fact that Daniel might kill him later but something seems off.. but I really love spending my time with him so much
After 20 minutes we had reached the Hollywood sign Corbyn placed down the blanket
Co:sit down and just look out over L.A
Y/n: it's beautiful
Co: I know I come here a lot. To clear my thoughts
Y/n: it's amazing
Co: just like you
We smiled at each other and I felt my face go red
Y/n:... why is there so many locks🔒 over there (goes over to it)
Co: I think it's like tradition or something I'm not sure
I trail my hand across the locks and I find a smaller one that has my name tagged on it. I share a concerning look with Corbyn and he gently pulls off the note and hands it to me
Co:what does it say
Co: y/n y/l/n would-

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