Long time no see

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Friends over seas part 3
      - still your POV -
I ran into the kitchen where my mum was and she was on her phone
Y/n: Did you need me
Mum: yeah what's your password on your laptop
Y/n: oh 8462643
I have no idea why she needs my laptop when she has her phone in her hand she better not check my search history
Mum: I'm making dinner soon
Y/n: at 4:35
Mum: oh it is a little bit early You can wait a bit If you're not hungry
Y/n:ok I'm going back up too my room then
Mum: wait there could be someone who might want to talk to you
She shows me the screen of her phone and I was delighted to see my dad on FaceTime
Dad: I'm sorry we couldn't tell you sooner
Y/n: I miss you so much
Dad: I miss you too are you being good to your mother
Y/n: yes dad
     -the conversation seemed to go on for hours when you noticed your mum on your laptop -
Dad: sweetie how are you doing at school
Y/n: pretty good I got top marks for my maths and science exam
Mum: wow this search history
Y/n: erm mum can I have my laptop
Mum: one second dear. OH WOW INAPPROPRIATE
Y/n:MUM... can you give my computer back please
Mum:in a second
Y/n: sure but please hurry up
Mum:a couple more minutes EWW
When I turned the screen and I didn't know how to respond....

Friends over seas Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang