Let me explain

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Friends over seas part 15
-Elizabeth PoV-
E:wait what (tears up)
Ca:what are we going to do
E:1. Carry on being jerks or go and explain to her what happened
Ca: I don't think that made sense
E: shhhh no one needs to know
-texts y/n-
E:hey y/n can we talk about what happened earlier we have something to show you
(No answer)
Ca: y/n
E:can we go to the park then we can explain everything that happened including the secr.... I mean surprise we kept from you
Y/n: no need I am bringing Karen and Nomy with me
E:what can you just let us explain
Y/n: fine,my house 2 minutes
Ca: k thnx
- at your house -
Y/n: hey....
-takes a seat-
Y/n: so why and what are you keeping from you
Ca:ok so when you told us that you were leaving for America we were upset that we were never going to see you again so I made up this plan with Elizabeth that we were going to surprise you at America so we bought tickets and it was getting harder to keep it a secret so we came up with excuses to be "busy all the time" and yes we felt guilty but we thought it would be easier and more of a surprise if we were away from you
E: I'm sorry y/n we should of told you

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