She was busy thinking about their future when the doctor came inside the room.

The doctor cough.

Some of them looked at the doctor and they nudged the one's sleeping.

"So now, can you tell me what's wrong with her?" Jennie asked while raising her eyebrow.

The doctor just chuckled and looked at the sleeping latter.

"I'm sorry Ms. Kim, but as I said earlier, you are not a family member" The doctor said while checking Lisa.

"I told you earlier that I am her wife" Jennie stated. The doctor looked at Jennie and smiled. Jennie was waiting for the doctor's response.

"Is that so?" Asked the doctor. Jennie smirked and just raised her eyebrows as she thinks that she was winning againts the doctor.

But her smile faded from what the doctor stated.

"Then where's your ring?"

She glanced at her finger. She mentally slapped herself.

'Come on Jennie!! Think!!'

"It's at home. I took it off when I took a bath. " She stated confidently. Yes, good answer Jennie, good answer.

"Hmm" The doctor just nod. Aish! This doctor is hard to fool.

When the doctor was about to fix Lisa's blanket, Jennie stood up and slapped the doctor's hand away.

"Yahh!!! Who are you to touch her??" Jennie shouted. The doctor stopped what she was about to do and faced Jennie.

"I'm her doctor" She stated.

Then she smiled.

"I'm Dr. Bae Joohyun"


Lisa's Pov.

As I open my eyes, familiar white room, familiar feeling, familiar sounds are the things that I noticed.

It took me minutes to realize that I'm here again. My worst nightmare.

Why am I here again? What did I do? Is everything that happened awhile ago are just a dream?

I tried to sit up, not noticing a sleeping brunette beside me.

"Love?" She softly asked.

"Love??!?" She jolted up her sit and started to panick. I was already getting dizzy because she's pacing around. She took her phone and opening it.

But she can't open it 'cause her fingers are trembling and she can't get the password right.

"why the hell?!" She mumbled angrily. I only watch her.

"N-nini" I called her. She looked at me and ran towards me, panicking.

"Do you need water?" She asked. As I'm about to answer she cutted me off.




"Do you need to pee?"

"Let me fin-"

"What do you need?"


"Tell me Lisa! Tell me!"

"Nini!!!" I shouted. I know that she's worried but might as well let me finish. I held her hand.

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