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As soon as the sun rose and hits Jennie's face, she stretched her arms and legs with a smile on her face.

Even though there are lots of things happening, she couldn't be more thankful that all of them are safe.

She checked her phone and saw a message from her Jisoo unnie telling that they would go somewhere with the squad.

Since it's already 5:30 in the morning and she have to be there at 6:30 she excitedly went inside the bathroom. After 30 minutes of doing her morning rituals, she went downstairs to eat her breakfast.

And exactly, there are her parents eating their breakfast as well. She greeted them good morning and started eating her breakfast.

"Darling, are you going somewhere?" Jennie's mom asked her. Jennie just smiled at her mom.

"Yes mom, unnie said that we will go somewhere!" She said with her high pitched voice. Her mom laughed at her silliness.

"You seemed excited, huh? Is Lisa with you?" Her mom asked teasingly. But Jennie just shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. But I hope she is" She answered sadly.

This isn't new to Jennie. It's not new that Lisa isn't always with her. It may be hard for Jennie, but for now, she would be letting Lisa experience everything, alone.

It's just for the mean time, it doesn't mean that it would last forever. Just for now.

Her dad who is just actually listening to her wife and daughter's conversation just smiled sadly while reading his newspaper. He knew how much Jennie loved Lisa but he still broke them apart back then.

And now, he won't be making the same mistake ever again. He don't want to hurt her daughter and her future daughter-in law.

"Don't worry Rubyjane, I will make sure that the two of you will end up together" Her father thought.

"I'm so sorry Rubyjane, I just hope that a miracle will happen so she could gain her memories back" Jennie's mom told her while giving her a small smile.

"It's okay mom, I just hope that she won't fall for someone else" Jennie said while looking at her food. Imagining Lisa with another woman.

'It hurts so bad'

"Then make her fall in love with you again" Her dad said out of nowhere. She looked up at her dad, confused.

"She fell inlove with you once, and she can fall in love with you again" he added.

And Jennie has an idea.

"Oh dad, yes I will" She smirked.

Then she just decided to finish her food.

"Mom, dad! I'm going now" She stated while kissing her parents' cheeks. They also said goodbyes and she went to the hallway of their house.

While walking Jenne remembered her thoughts awhile ago. It really hurts to imagine Lisa in someone else's life.

She won't let that happen. She might be not perfect but she knew that she could give Lisa what she deserves.

She will give Lisa anything. Everything. Just for her not to leave her.

As soon as she reached their gate, she erased that thought and opened the gate. As she looked outside she saw a man standing infront of their house while leaning on his car.

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