good terms

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No one's Pov.

It's already morning, and Jennie only slept for 3 hours. Which means, she is just staring at Lisa the whole time when she woke up.

While she is looking at Lisa, she started to remember their memories. And Jennie can't help but to cry.

Jennie cried so hard beside Lisa, she tried her best not to make some noise but her mouth betrayed her.

Lisa groans as she felt a pang in her head. While Jennie just wiped her tears and look at Lisa.

"Ugh, here it is again. When will this go away" she said as she slowly sit down.

The pain in Lisa's head was more like a hangover.

"W-wait, what happened last night?" she look at the right side, at the balcony of the company's room.

Forgetting the existence of her ex-girlfriend.

"J-jennie...... Jennie was with me, right?" she then turn around to find the girl.

And there, she found Jennie Kim, staring at her.

"Why?" Lisa asked looking innocent.

"Nothing, you're just so beautiful" Jennie blurted out. She then realized what she said, she immediately covered her face because of embarrassment.

While Lisa? Lisa was shocked but when she saw Jennie blushing, she giggled.

"Aigoo~ really huh?" Lisa smirked while pinching Jennie's cheeks. Jennie's heart is beating uncontrollably.

"Hahahahahah~ why are you blushing?" Jennie can't help but to blush because like the old times, Lisa always tease her.

"Yah! stop teasing me!!" Jennie said, embarrassment is tinted in her voice.

Lisa just laugh at Jennie, forgetting that she have an headache.

"Lili-yah~" Jennie called her with cute voice. Lisa can't help but to smile. 'Why so cute gummy?'

"Ne?" Lisa asked while looking straight to Jennie's eyes.

"Are you still dizzy?" Jennie asked worriedly

"No, I'm not" Lisa then lay down.

"Btw, aren't you hungry?" Lisa amused.

"Yeah, I woke up early. You?" Jennie then sit down and face Lisa.

"Yeah, I am. So let-" Lisa was cutted by a shout.

"Miss Kim and Miss Manoban? They are waiting for you two" someone shouted.

"O-okay?.... Arasseoooo!!!!!" Lisa shouted at that someone.

Jennie can't help but to giggle because of Lisa. Her girl still didn't change. She's still noisy.

"You still didn't change" Jennie said while messing Lisa's hair.

"Really? so, what am I in the past?" Lisa asked Jennie.

"You? you are still beautiful, hot, still the kind girl that I know. But something has changed" Jennie then smiled sadly.

"Oh, what is it?" Lisa is bewildered. She feels uneasy all of a sudden.

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