Chapter 8

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As I place the final sweatshirt into my suitcase, I feel a pinge of sadness. My grand adventure was coming to an end. In only a few short hours, I would be back on a plane to the United States and back to reality.

I am grateful for this trip, I am. But I can't help but feel that it didn't quite live up to my expectations. Louis and the guys won the championship, which is more than we could have asked for, but some part of me had hoped that this journey would have given much more clarity in my relationship that I did. I think some part of me thought that if Louis and I came to England, he would suddenly face the demons of his past, and together we could figure out how to move forward into the future.

Instead, I am leaving with the same closed-off boyfriend, and even more uncertainty about the future of our relationship.

"Do you have your ticket?" Leah asks, picking up her suitcase from the bed and pulling out the handle in preparation to roll it down the hall.

"Yep," I hold up the piece of paper that lies inside the navy-blue cover of my passport. "Can't believe we are already leaving this place, it feels like we just got here."

"I know," Leah smiles. "Quite the exciting trip this was." I catch her glancing down at the ring on her finger. It definitely has been an eventful trip- for Harry and Leah at least. 

"Well, I suppose we should head down to the lobby, I think Louis said the bus was loading up at nine." I survey the hotel room one last time, beds unmade, before following behind Leah and out the door. 

We take the elevator down to the lobby, it's slow descent almost replicating the feeling of my longing to stay in this beautiful country for only a few more days. When the doors open with a sudden ring, Leah and I step out with our bags in tow.

Outside the large glass revolving doors, I spot a mob of tall college boys in matching black track suits. Or as they would like to be called from this point forward- the tournament champions. Although many were likely out into the wee hours of the night, you wouldn't tell by the boisterous noise emitting from their area. 

I search the mob of the soccer team for the familiar brown head of Louis. He's nowhere to be seen. "Is Louis with Harry?" I ask outloud. Leah scans the crowd with me.

"I don't see either of them," she checks her watch. "Oh wait, here comes Harry." She points to her curly haired, now fiancée, who is exiting the elevator with his black suitcase in tow.

"There you are darling, running a bit late this morning?" Leah pulls him in for a quick kiss when he meets us.

"A bit," he says, setting his suitcase down on the concrete next to ours.

"Is Louis coming down too?" I ask, starting to feel a bit of panic. There was probably a logical explanation for Louis's absence. Perhaps he forgot something in the hotel room. Maybe he woke up late and had to pack his entire suitcase this morning because he left it to the last minute like always.

"He's not down here with the team?" Harry asks, standing a little taller to survey the crowd of rowdy college athletes standing near the bus.

"No, we thought he was with you," Leah states, as Harry begins to look at the group again.

I spot Niall in the crowd of boys and try to grab his attention. "Niall!" I shout.

He sees me and walks over. "What's up Alexia?"

"Is Louis on his way down?" My voice has more nervous undertones than I would have liked, but I figured if anyone knows where Louis is, it is his roommate for the trip.

"He's not with you?" Niall's face shows his surprise, and he too does a double take of the group from which he came.

I shake my head.

Genetics (L.T.) (Sequel to Chemistry)Where stories live. Discover now