Chapter 7

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Two minutes left. Tied 2-2. The tournament on the line. The air in the stadium is tense. I'm chewing on my nails, a bad habit I know that my mom would be yelling at me for if she saw me right now. I glance to my right, Harry sits on the edge of his bleacher seat, the bold "TOMLINSON" lettering on the back of our white jerseys standing out. 

The jerseys had been yet another gift from The Styles family and the three of us are donning them like proud parents. Maybe we aren't parents, but we are proud of Louis. Proud of the way he came back from injury sophomore year to play better than ever before. Proud of the leader he's become on the team. Proud of the person he's become everywhere else. 

Even though this game is of little significance to me, I can't help but feel a little sadness for Louis. His role on the soccer team has always been an integral part of our relationship. In fact, if it wasn't for one soccer game over two years ago  I don't know if I would have ever realized that I had feelings for Louis. And now the day was here. The first of many lasts, as Zayn would often remind Marie and I as the proximity to our final year of  college approached. 

I didn't get to see Louis this morning before the game, Coach was far to concerned about the boy's keeping their heads in the game. To be fair though, Louis was the same way. And I knew he was just as eager to win this tournament as he has every other championship he's played in during his collegiate years. I'd sent him a sweet message this morning, wishing him luck and telling him how regardless of the outcome, he was a champion in my heart. 

He claimed to hate that kind of sappy crap, but deep down- I think a part of him needed it. 

I watch Louis's face in the timeout huddle, his sweat-filled brows furrowed in concentration. Coach slaps him on the back before he runs back onto the field, wiping his face with the front of his jersey.

"C'mon Lou," I whisper to myself. 

The game starts up again, the other team with the ball. One of their players begins to make his way towards the goal, dodging one defender, he goes to pass it to his teammate when it's intercepted. 

"And Niall Horan with the steal!" the announcer exclaims. The crowd erupts and I find myself on my feet. Niall begins to make his way down the field. 

The clock is quickly approaching zero and I know that the boys will only have one shot to avoid this match going into overtime. Niall holds onto the ball, dribbling it back and forth between his feet. I watch as Louis tries to free himself from the defending player, darting left and right towards the goal. The defender seems to slip up for a second, and suddenly Louis has found some space between them, he lifts his hand up for Niall to signal a pass.

Niall looks side to side, then accurately passes the ball right to Louis's feet. Then with one swift shot, Louis lines up his kick, and the ball breezes into the net, right above the finger tips of the opponent goalie. The buzzer goes off signaling that time is up.

"SCORE!" the loudspeaker announces once again. "Team MVP Louis Tomlinson coming in with the winning shot in the final seconds."

"We won!" Harry shouts, pulling Leah and I into a giant bear hug. "We won," I say again, still in a bit of disbelief. I've always known that the team is good, I mean they had three back-to-back conference championships to prove it. But winning a tournament like this, one with teams from all over the world, well this had been a feat of a different caliber.

I watch as the team storms the field, hoisting Louis and Niall up onto their shoulders. Even from this distance, I can see Louis's eyes crinkling with a wide smile. He looked happy, and I'm happy for him.

"C'mon," Harry signals to Leah and I, as he takes a step towards the stairs of the bleachers, heading down to the field where the team's supporters are already assembling. I follow behind, searching through the mess of people for Louis. 

Then I spot him, chatting with the coach from the other team. He spots me almost immediately, offering a polite handshake to the man he is speaking with before turning to face me.

I run towards, him leaping into his arms. "Congratulations Lou," I squeal, before planting a sloppy kiss on his mouth. "I'm so proud of you," I say softly, our foreheads pressed together.

"Thank you love," he replies softly, before setting my feet back onto the ground . "Couldn't have done it without you." 


The team had always been one for celebrations, but this one felt different. Bigger. Grander. The hotel  ballroom had somehow been transformed into a classy after party, with black table clothes, a large buffet, and an abundance of champagne. They'd presented the championship trophy, recognized the seniors, and now they celebrated. 

"Congratulations Niall," I say, as he passes me, "That was quite the steal there at the end."

"Thank you Alexia," he replies, "The team worked hard for this victory that's for sure." 

"And there's my favorite teammate," Louis exclaims, giving Niall a rough thump on the back. "Oh and my favorite girl..." he teases, causing me to roll my eyes. 

"That was quite the game mate," Louis notes. 

"Had to go out with a bang though Tommo," Niall chuckles. 

"Cheers to that," Louis says, lifting his glass up to meet Niall's. 

"Guess I better go catch the 'rents, catch you later man," Niall excuses himself. 

I can't help but think about how much Niall has evolved since the time when I first met him- the time when he broke my heart. Since his sophomore year, he'd let his hair grow out to its natural brown color. And like the outward changes, it seemed as if he'd made a lot of internal changes too. Louis and Niall had made amends, and the two had become an unstoppable team. 

Is there still a part of me that holds some resentment against Niall for what he did to me? Absolutely. But I've come to accept the fact that without Niall, I never would have found Louis, and for that I will always be thankful.

Leah and Harry join us, each offering Louis a congratulatory hug."Your mum and dad would be proud of you mate," Harry said softly, and I watch as Louis's eyes grow a little more shiny. I place my arm around Louis in support and he smiles. 

"I know they would," Louis replies softly. 

Louis is quite the target at the party. With many parents, teammates, and strangers coming up to congratulate him on the game and thank him for all he's brought to the team over the past four years. If it's bothering him, or making him feel nostalgic, he doesn't let on. Instead, a smile remains plastered on his face as he shakes hand after hand. 

"If you'll excuse me a second, I'm going to make a phone call," Louis says suddenly, handing me his beer and taking a step out into the hotel lobby. I give Leah a strange look, and she shrugs at me. Maybe he is going to call Harry's parents?

Louis returns a few minutes later, looking slightly flustered. I set my hand on his shoulder. "Everything okay?"

"Yes, fine," he responds flatly. I want to ask him who he was calling at this time of night, and why he seemed to be thrown so off by it, but I'm getting the feeling that once again, this is something that Louis wants to keep to himself. So I leave it alone, and keep on celebrating. 

A little bit of a filler chapter, but Chapter 8 is the beginning of the main plot, I promise! (Also bonus points if you catch the part of this from Chemistry ;) )Thank you again for all your votes, comments and messages. I truly love hearing from you guys!

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