Chapter 1: The Journey

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Edited : 9/10/2020

It was summer break and your Uncle Stan has asked for your help at the Mystery Shack since the tourist status was rising. You debated for a few and thought it would be a good since you haven't seen your uncle in quite awhile and thought what could go wrong? So you packed your bags and got to the bus stop where you would shortly be taken to Gravity Falls.

A few hours passed and your finally there. The place where most of your childhood happened.

You knocked on the door and the door opened with a little girl that had a pink sweater with a star on it, long brown hair, a purple headband, and braces. You almost didn't recognized her until you said her name, "Mabel??." You said and her face shined up with colors and her eyes sparkled "COUSIN Y/N!!" She said as she hugged you. You hugged her back when another boy came out and saw you, he had a dark blue vest with a orange shirt, khakis, and a blue hat that had a pine tree on it "Heya Dipper" you said and he hugged you too as you saw both of the twins again.

"My gosh you guys have grown so much! I haven't seen you guys since you were 5!" Mabel giggled "I'm so happy your here! Gruncle Stan said you were coming and I was so excited! Also how old are you now?!" She said and that question surprised you but you answered it anyway, "I'm 24 now my birthday is next week and I'll be 25 by then" they were surprised by how old you were. Besides that you were happy that you got to see your two favorite cousins again.

You guys went inside with your bags and saw Uncle Stan and hugged him since it was so long you've last seen him. "Y/N how you doin'? It's been so long since the last time I've seen you!" "Yeah it has! I can't wait to catch up but let me unpack my bags and then I'll come back down so we can catch up!" You went to the room you were given and unpacked all your bags then went back to catch up with your Cousins and Uncle.

After hours of talking, Dipper has told you about all the monsters he and Mabel have encountered and you became interested even about this triangle demon called Bill Cipher, you asked to borrow the book which has the ways you can summon them or how to find these monsters.

You spent all night trying to study Bill Cipher and how he gets in people's dreams being a dream demon. You read has much as you could and searching up things about him until you ended up falling asleep on the desk.

When you woke up you were in the middle of no where but then and image appeared of a Triangle with an eye in the middle of it with a top hat and a cane in its hand "My, My, My! What do we have here? Must I say you look amazing!" You were speechless, it was Bill Cipher.. the Dream Demon.. "Is my handsome face making you speechless? It must be since no one could resist this face" he said as he lifted your chin so you looked at him straight in the eye. You took his hand away from you and got back to reality "Handsome Face? Ha, your hilarious your a literal Dorito" He was shocked by your comment "I am not a Dorito for your information! I am a handsome pyramid so you should respect that!" You just turned away from him thinking. "Are you even listening to me?!" "Nope." He groaned "Well I-" You Interrupted him.

"How are you in my dream? You haven't been released from your seal so how is this possible?" You asked yourself still trying to figure out everything that is happening right now. "Well Darling if you make a deal with me I'll give you all the answers you want to know." You thought for a moment then shook your head "No thanks. I'd rather keep my body instead of making a deal with you."

"Oh cmon, I'm not gonna take over your body like Pine Tree. Plus he was useless anyways, I'll give you all the answers to all your questions." He did sound tempting but you also couldn't risk it by what he can do to Gravity Falls and the people that live here. "Fine I'll make a deal with you on one condition. You stay far away from Dipper, Mabel, Uncle Stan, The Mystery Shack and all of Gravity falls and keep this a secret between us."

He smirked and agreed "then in that you'll be my lover for the rest of time and in return I protect you with my life." You ignored what he said about his deal, Plus you just wanted your questions answered. You and Bill shake'd hands and a blue flame sealing the deal. Bill smirked "Well with that over we can do many things together but for now we'll wait until next time Y/N..." Then he disappeared and everything went black.

You woke up and you looked over at your alarm clock and saw it was 6:00am you got up and went into the woods, you walked for who knows how long until you reached a river and sat by it looking at the fishes that passed by. Until you heard something behind you and thought it was probably nothing until you looked over your side and saw Bill but in his human form.

(The picture above is his human form)

"Heya Darlin." You ignored the nickname he gave and looked at Bill up and down laughing at what he was wearing "What's so funny?!" "You look stupid." He groaned and sat down next to you. You shook your head and remembered your part of the deal you had with him.

"I want my questions answered." He nodded and started answering all the questions. "Also what was your part of the deal again? I forgot since I just wanted my questions answered since I was curious about you." "You will be my lover for life and I would protect you forever." Silence filled the air and a soft breeze came by flowing your h/l h/c hair a bit "Excuse me, What?!" "I did it because something about you just said to make a deal with you and love you.." you blushed after hearing what he just said.

"But I don't want to be with you forever stupid!"He chuckled "You know your cute when you blush Y/N maybe I should make you blush a bit more often." He grabbed your chin and kissed your cheek "I have to go but I'll see you later okay? and don't miss me too much." He disappeared and you kept blushing by what just happened and walked back to the Mystery Shack in time so you had time to shower and change to get ready for the day. One thought wondered in your head.

"What did I get myself into and Why does it seem so Familiar?"


Word Count: 1215

In Wonderland with Bill CipherWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu