Then he run...


Then .. "Ugh!" He fell adding more wounds as the sharp metal scraps cuts his body, his throat was cut badly too.


He started running again, running away from the waste field.

"Timothy stop drinking" the old man said

"It's been two centuries! They dumped at Regina" Timothy brakes the vase

"Another trash" the man said

"So what were in the dump site!" Timothy said he was devastated on what happened, Regina is a Refugee town! Yet the capital made it into a waste field, he have many dreams on the place yet it was all gone.

"Go home now." The man

"Bart, please don't leave" he begged the town Luthier

The man smiled "never till death even if I need to be buried along with the waste, then Timothy stand up and he escorted him outside


"Timothy everything will be fine" then onyx didn't reply and walks away, the elite wasn't your usual one he wore less glamorous dress, a very kind man he gave almost all his wage for the people, he was love by everyone, yet the elite can't do anything in the rubbish, Bart sigh he was being offered in the east border to have his business move yet he can't for the sanity of this elite.


"What was that?!" The old man said and look at where the sound came from, he could smell awful scent, yet he was frightened too much blood everywhere "my lord!" Then he saw as his lamp brighten the place a man who resembles like Timothy black hair with frightened black brown eyes "and earthen human?" He was amaze as the injured one went to the farthest and narrowest place in the alley "I won't hurt you earthen human" yet the other shakes his head "let me tend your wounds, your hungry?" He smiled at him and it cried. From the wounds, and bruises, it shows he well abused and his face will tell he is fitted to be a pet "don't worry I'll protect you." He left the other shaking as he looks for something to cure the other and the last bread he have for tonight.

Riki was scared can't even shout for the old man to get lost, he was there so cold and hungry, the man left and he felt so relieved yet for few minutes it came again with someone, carrying fresh blanket, bucket of water, medicine and he smells a loaf of bread

"Forgive me I got so hungry I ate the half" Bart said and Riki felt so safe and he cries for happiness "this is Cass he will help you too."

Slowly they went for in his place and he didn't move, he let them clean and treat him he was covered with a blanket and fed with the bread "Bart where did he came from?" Cass asked

"Don't know, we will report this when his a little bit okay.

After 5 months

"Bart, it seems his not a pet or a citizen of any other towns" Timothy said as Riki looks on the place "he didn't have any matching.

"It's so dirty here" Bart coughs

"Sorry can't do anything about it." Timothy

Riki then look at the place and started to walk outside he could see people so sick with the place but will not leave for they are treated human! Regina was very filthy yet kinder than the slums of Ceres. Riki clenched his fist he needs to help the people, then started to dirty his hand and segregating the waste "Riki you will get hurt!" Cass said but Riki will not stop till its been all segregated in place, the. He looked for a tool to dig the soil

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