A kiss good night

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Be a very happy Dave Strider

You where close to danceing then you remmeber that your to cool for that shit. So went back to what you where doing befor Karkat cameover to ask you out. Yeah, your cool your just going to go over there later, and romancie his socks off. You look at the clock and realize you got half a hour to get your shit together and look nice for your date. That's made you pause your going on a date with Karkat the troll you been crushing on for a good say mounth. Your chill like a moutherfucking ice cub your going to freeze to death if you get any chiller. With going on a date with Mr.nubs you look at the clock twenty minutes you finlly get up and walk to your closet.

Should you go casueal or get real dressed up and shit. Karkat would love it if you got some flowers or something and wore a tux. But that sounded to fancy for a frist date. That and Striders don't do shit like that, but he would be wowed if you did. You pick out a tux from the closet then put it back no fucking way. It dosen't matter how much you like him no tux.

Time skip

After pick up and putting down the tux you ended up wasting to much time and just ended up going to Karkat's house in what you where wearing earlier. You actually knocked on Karkat's door instead of just walking in. You figeat for two seaconds until the door flys open. You where leaning against the frame of the door with a bunch of roses. You made Jade get them for you so there was why to many of them in you opion nor  for your taste, But as you hand them over you could see a blushing troll with dreamy eyes stareing at you in awe. "This are for you."You say calmly even though you where totally hitting the stay cool button in side your brain. He was so fucking cute you think.

"Thanks." He whispers in to the flowers he was getting redder by the mintue and you where getting inpatince what for you don't know. "Came in you prick no need for you to stand there.: He never changes even thought the insuilt was mild you smirk in response. And walk in you wounder in to the kitchen and that when the greats aroma hits you. Pizza.

What you where looking at was a candle light dinner set for two with wine glass full of apple jucie with a pizza in the middle. You where done right amazed it all looked cheesy and cliche in so many ways but you only smile. Becouse this had romcom written all over it you should of worn the tux it would of fit this cheesy seance so well.

Karkat comes back in to the room and you have a good look at him. His wearing a gray dress shirt with black skinny jeans he still wasn't wearing shose. You were going to have to tease him about that later. But not right now not when the mood was set just right. "Thanks for the flowers ass hole let's eat." He was nearves he was talking at a normal leavle he was curseing but not yelling witch ment he was a little scared to. You were glad you wont alone. As your knees shaked alittle as I tried to stay emtionless.

"Fine by me it looks good." You smile and rush to pull his chair out in a mocking manner as he snarled at you. He frowned tru half the dinner as I tried to feed him pizza getting suase on his nose. That lead to him yelling and you laughing. You neaver gets old how he gets all work up then pouts. Over the little things and the big ones you snicker some more as he shove away the pizza you where pushing troweds his face.

" THAT'S IT, LET'S JUST WATCH THE MOVIE SO YOU CAN STOP TRYING TO DECORT ME IN PIZZA SAUCE." He yelled getting up and walking from the room you folllow and was so antsy it was makeing you crazy. You still don't know why but you had the feeling all night. He poped in a romantic movie you thought but was waiting for him to set down so you could warp a arm around his narrow shoulders. He walks back and sits a good two inches away from you. Your not watching the screen just those two inchs and how you could make them disappear, In a cool unknowing way. So you start lounage in that dreaction clamly throwing your arms against the back of the couch and scooting side ways. When you heard a creepy noise come from the t.v. You turn to see that Karkat has put a horrier film in was it for you so you would not be bord throw another one of his chick flicks or was he tryng to come up for a reason to get snugglie.

"Intersting choice Kitkat I thought you would of gone for something more lovey dovey."You scooted closer your hips were almost touching.You notcie he was already shakeing and all that was going on was a group of kids walking around a forest.

"I didn't."(in the farther reaches of the metrode Trezie is laug quetily to her self.) If he didn't who did but he wasn't moveing just stareing at the screen as the walk trough the woods turn for the worst. Like you didn't see that comeing you sigh and looked over to Karkat he was visable shakeing.

" We don't have to watch." You say he turns to you with a snarle amd remarks.

"Am not a wiggler Dave I can handle a scare movie." O.K you mouth befor turning back to the movie you watched half intreasted as the group of teens got chased around getting killed one by one. You thinking you've seen this one befor when Karkat grab on to you not just your arm your whole body he was wraped around your shoulders one leg trown across you lap. He was clinging with a unknown strenght like he would never let go. He was still stareing at the movie his lips moved as he sweared softly as the murder chined sawed a girl in half he let out a squeaked and buried his head in your chest. "Tell me when it's over." He whimperd as he wraped him self tighter around you. He was particual in you lap but you have not made a move you where slightly surprised but not to much to. Not to notice that well his was wiggling he was real makeing stuff go wild down there. With another gind on the hip you where close to loseing it as he resurfed from his cave of arms and my shirt. He was makeing the cuties exspression fear mixed with anger and a little pout to.

There was no stoping it when you cuped his cheeck and dereactied his attention to you. He leaned up words already so your lips meet. The frist touch of soft lips was cautioned if feared you could breack him with the little jester. Then it became more frantice as everything quickley turned into hot breath and toungas as you kiss. He had his legs wraped around your waist and his hands tangled in your hair. As you battled for domantice you pushed him father down on the couch and reached a hand up his shirt. He batted it away growling that my hands where cold. You luagh against his lips. Then pulled away. He was flushed and out of breath his hair was even more tussled and you lean back down befor you lips meet again you whisperd ,"I love you." Befor slaming you mouth back together you. Pininghis arms behide his head and took full controal of what was your finilly your.

You mouth felt raw from kissing but you where still greedy for more,'Dave" Karkat panted as you stoped for air, " Am real tierd could we finish this later." You only shook you head and kissed him a couple more times befor getting up.

You smile as he walks you to the door,"Next time let's go to my place." God he was glowing crimsion as you said that.

"Maybe," He whisperd as he guided you out the door and closed it behide you. Maybe was not a yes. Had you said something or did something wrong. You replayed the night over in your head dinner,movie, make-out session staring you and Karkat. Nope you could not think of anything. You wounder what's wrong with him that was the prefeact night you think.

Be the confused Karkat

How could he just say 'I love you' on the frist date?

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