Swapping Shirts

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Be the really annoyed Karkat

        "Fuck, Fuck ,Fuck" I chanted as I dug trow my draws I had put off landry day and now had no clean shirts.What the hell I think I started woundering if I could just wear a slight less unclean shirt. To at lest get to the landry room. Then went back to looking for a shirt in the prosess I found "What fuck is this doing here." You say well pulling a srunched up shirt out. Not yours of course why was Dave Strider shirt in your draws. I gave it a curious sniff and realize it's clean. And yank it on, it was better then nothing I just hope no one catchs me wearing it. I thought with a slight blush.

        I grab the basket of dirty cloth and head out and with wounderment start trying to pieace together how Dave's  shirt got in your room. I turn a corner and thought back maby it happen during the sleep over.  

Flash back

        Strider yanked off his shirt with a cock grin and tossed it aside well kneeling on the bed. "Your turn karkitty." He said with a smirk.

" WHAT THE FUCK STRIDER i SIDE YOU CAN STAY THE NIGHT. I SAID NOTHING ABOUT YOU SLEEPING IN MY BED. AND WHY IN ALL ALTERNIA WOULD I TAKE MY SHIRT OFF. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF."  I had instead with buring cheeck well trying to look the other way. Witch was hard becouse whole fuck I never thought he would be so ripped. Was that a full six-pack?

"You know it's not nice to stare Kitkat even if all this is in front of you." He said cooly  "And thier is no why am sleeping on the counch. Now come over here bewarned am a cuddler."  I could feel my mouth hanging open.

"FUCK THIS, FINE BE THAT WAY STRINDER I WILL SLEEP ON THE COUCH. I HOPE YOU DIE IN YOUR SLEEP." I said in my normal loud tone. Witch lead to me sleeping on the couch. Then of course Dave could not find his shirt the next moring so I had to lend him one.

End of flash back

        And you still haven't seen that shirt since. With that I started curesing Dave and his stupied shirt that was warm and soft and smelled faintly like apple jucie and doritos maybe. Or was that old spice possable. I was so focused on lightly sniffing Daves shirt I didn't notice that I past up the landry room. I stoped when I almost run into Gamze I quickly dashed back around the corner with out looking back and took a sharp turn into the lundry room.

        Witch I started thanking my luck stars was empty I dump all my cloths into a washer and picked up the book I brought along.  A good who knows how long I was too busy reading. When I heard a pair of feet shuffle in. "Yo, what up Karkat." Fuck I mental sweared befor quickly crossing my arms over my chest and fling the book in front of it. Please don't notice I prayed.

        I looked up  and quickly sighed becouse he was not evening looking at you thank gog. " NOT THAT YOU CARE STRIDER WHY DON'T YOU JUST DO YOUR LUNDRY AND LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE." I said befor standing up and wounder should I make a dash for the door. He going to find out your wearing his shirt.

        "Am sorry no need to be mad. What? Did I interuped your alien porn." He said with a smirk

       I turned around so fast and started to push a finger in to his face exclaining "What this is not porn strider you  nooksniffing impecal. This is a romance noval based off something called love that is something your fible little mind would never have the knowleage. The right nor abilty to grasp so why don't you, just shut the fuck up." I said partical screaming in his face befor retreacing a few steps.

"Yeah what every you say but to me all it will every be is..... wait is that my shirt your wearing." 

        Fuck well trying to educate this idot. I had uncrossed my arms and was now openly broard casting the red and white shirt that was not mine. "BEFOR YOU GET THE WRONG IDEA STRIDER I RUN OUT OF CLEAN SHIRTS.AND THIS WAS JUST LAYING AROUND.IF YOU DIDN'T WONT ANYONE WEARING IT YOU SHOULD NOT JUST LEFT IT THIER."

 Gog why was he smiling like that "What you mean to say is 'Dave I have a crush on you so am openingly wearing your shirt to get your attention." Where the fuck did he get that idea from I think."Come on Kitkat let me give you a kiss and make all your romcom dreams come ture." He said will leaning forword with pucked  lips will making grosstest kissing nosies. I could feel my cheeks heating up with a mix of embarsse ment and angry. I had it with him,I quckily striped off the t-shirt and shoved it in his face. "HERE I DIDN'T REAL WONT TO STAND AROUND HALF NAKED. BUT IF IT WILL SHUT YOU UP YOU CAN HAVE IT BACK FOR ALL I CARE YOU CAN GO FUCKING MARRY IT IF IT MEANS THAT MUCH TO YOU." I said now standing there shivering becouse fuck it was cold,and why was Dave staring at you.

Dave x Karkat FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora