What Happen Inbetween

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Be the frustrated Dave 

        You remove your sunglasses and stare at the walls of this room and sigh. You fucked up, but you couldn't help your self. Your cool was defrosted around him you lean back and let the image of his confused face come into fouces. That deer in the highlight look was cought in in his big golden eyes. You swear you could see his lips pulling at the corners as a flush race across his bare flesh and you fall again for the loud abcnoix troll with the cuties horns.How many  times have you imaged him wearing nothing but your shirt. 

         Dave let out a frusted growl befor rolling over and clinging too a pillower for once you where unsure. Did he like you or where you just stuck day dreaming of kissing him.  He once took a shot at love with John but it turned out he wasn't gay and ask  you if they could still be bros with that dorky nervious grin of his. 

        So was Karkat just another mistake and was it even worth it? What if he lost him to? What if you got him then lost him you where unsure if you could deal with that. Becouse you could feel that this was more then a fling. You wanted to hold on to Karkat and never let got. You been pineing after the nub troll for along time . 

        You go to your computer and put on your head phones you needed to get lost in the beats for awell like what you alwas do when you head got to full of the same thing.

        Be Trezi whos just finding out who likes who

        "Oh my gog, hehehehe your joking."  You laughed  well searching for your sunglass that fell some where in Gamze room. Well he sluggshlie bobed his head as he explained why he had to leave earlier.

        "Yup Karbro got the hot's for Motherfucking Strider." You let out another chuckle becouse like whole fuck those where the last two people you thought where going to get togather. "So did Karkat manage to find you." You frown becouse no you have not heard or smelled Karkat in awile.

        "No was  he looking for me." You ask Gamze nodded explaining how Karkat agreed to take Dave on a date but didn't know where and was going to ask you. You start rebuttoning your shirt and shaking your head. Knowing what happened Karkat back out and was now mopeing in his room.  You chuckle again befor heading to Gamze computer and log on of course of all times for him to not be on. You click on his handle and start typeing laughing ever once and awell becouse you just had to tell Nepeat that one  of her ships was sailing. You press send and truned to your Kisemesis with a smile you could not wait for those two to start date. And you think you gave Karkat some good tips on how to confess and where to take his boyfriend. Well his soon to be boyfriend you hope.

Authers Notes: So this is just a little inbetween chapter. So if your getting bored don't worry it will start becomeing more intresting. You just got to hung in there. If you think you guys got some good idea where to take dave for his date comment. Becouse I really have no clue.

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