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Y/N was mentally cursing at herself. It was her first day at UA and she was already running late. Luckily, she ran into the gates before bumping into someone.


Fuck my life. Already late. Wait I see the school! Come on legs just a little bit faster. Omg, I think I am on time woohoo. I regret having a mental party as I ended up bumping into someone. I was about to fall, mentally prepping to be emotionally ashamed when I felt myself floating? I immediately jumped up and saw my bubbly friend Uraraka! I jumped and gave her a huge hug, happy that I at least found someone. I apologised for bumping into her but turns out I didn't bump into her. I turned around and saw him.

I turned around and saw Sho lying on the floor. At that point, I quickly died. WHY MUST I EMBARRASS MYSELF LIKE THIS AND HURT MY BFF. I grabbed Sho's arm and helped him up. I then did the only thing my brain would do...

Shoto's POV

Urmmm. Why is Y/N bowing her head like an insane chicken and saying inaudible words?


Yep I am an idiot. I gave Sho an even bigger hug and we walked to 1A.  The lesson was so boring but I noticed that there was a scary aura around everyone. Even Aizawa felt out of it. People also kept looking at my desk and showing a sad face. I decided not to ask anyone about it. It is my first day here! I should be happy.

As the day ended, All Might wanted to see me. I eagerly ran into the staff room and saw him. I walked into the room and sat down. I thought we were going to talk about my progress. I could already use around 10% and felt proud of myself. All Might looked like he was about to tell me something important but then decided to just leave me a short message.

Y/N. Be careful. Even though I destroyed All for One, there is still a big threat. But he is not after me anymore, instead, he wants something else. Just be careful.

I was going to ask him more, but he looked pretty sad and me, Sho and Ochaco are having a sleepover so I bowed and jumped over using one for all full cowling.

I knocked on the door and had sooo much fun. Ochaco decided to give us all a spa treatment and I put makeup on Todoroki. Let's just say, some things are better left untouched... We then got in our hoodies and watched the new episodes of Danganronpa! 

 We then got in our hoodies and watched the new episodes of Danganronpa! 

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I couldn't help but keep staring at Sho in his cutttte cat hoodie. I probably died in those little glances.

Uraraka being the ultimate shipper decided to leave the sleepover to get some soba. She was so screwed when she returned. Me and Sho kept watching the anime without her. I felt tired so I closed my eyes.

Todoroki POV

I suddenly felt a huge weight on my lap. I looked down and saw her sweet face on my lap. How cute is she? I gently stroked her soft hair and cheek. I began to feel a bit warm as my face tinted a dark shade of red. I chuckled as she began to snore. I wonder what she was dreaming about. She was just their screaming " COME HERE MR F/D (FAVORITE DESSERT)."

I heard a knock on the door. I gently left her head on the sofa and covered her with a blanket. I began to daydream about the Soba that Uraraka brought. She was an amazing chef! I closed my eyes as I was tired and opened the door. I muttered hi and walked back to the sofa before I heard a response.

"Hi, Todoroki-kun!"

I knew that voice. I turned around, prepared to use my ice before I felt a shock. Y/N. And then I felt the darkness. 

Hey peeps it is Author Chan. Hope you enjoyed this! I am probably gonna do another chapter in the next three days. Hope ya enjoyed the video as well! Apart from that, baiiiii!

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