Dead Meat

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(Y/n) P.O.V
I woke up to rapid knocking at my door and I groaned loudly. It had to be Broly, he's the only one that knows I'm here. I took my time and walked to my bathroom, seeing my horrifying reflection staring right back at me. I looked ghostly pale, skinny thanks to my lack of appetite, and dark hickies lining my neck. I threw on a coat and some shoes before storming over to the front door, throwing the dammed thing open, but not to meet Broly, but my  brother. He grabbed my hand and smiled. "(Y/n) we have a way out of here! That beast cant sense us underground!" My eyes widened in disbelief. Sure, I was fairly mad at Broly, but he still kidnapped me from my home. I wanted out, and I wanted out now. I stamped all the little sparks of guilt and acceptance I had for Broly and nodded. "Let's leave. I'm never coming back." My brother kept a tight grip on my hand and we began running in the night, doing our best to avoid the lingering branches in the darkness. Soon we stopped at a cave and huffed. My brother gave me a small smile and I blacked out. I woke to find myself in a clearing in the forest, tied to a pole. Wait... this was the clearing Broly took me for our date. If he did this I swear to God I will- "Hello (Y/n). Your brother has told me so much about you.~" My eyes flew to the man emerging from the clearing. He looked rather old, hunching over a cane and his eyes looking like they were squinted shut. "My brother? What did you do to him!?" The old man chuckled and my brother also came into the clearing, refusing to look at me. "Sorry (Y/n). They told me that you will be the key to kill that beast. Please think of the planet." My heart dropped quickly. My own brother is telling me that I am the key to killing Broly? What will happen to me? What are they going to do to me? More men came out of the forest and glared at me while the old man started laughing. "Your injuries will call the beast here and we can kill him. We will make sure your brother patches you up nicely. Now stay still. This is only going to hurt a lot." Next thing I remembered was pain. Lots and lots of pain. My dazed eyes saw men inflicting so many wounds on me. I could feel my blood leave me body, little traitor. Your body always betrays you at the worst time. My eyes swirled over to my brother who gave me one last look of guilt and ran back into the forest. He betrayed me. He went back on his promise to protect me. Who will protect me now? Who will protect me from pain? My eyes started closing and my mind went to  Broly. He's always protected me from others. Hell, he even tried to protect me from himself. A small smile passed my lips. If I ever get out of this alive, I should be nicer to Broly. Maybe just a tad bit to thank him for his protection and his some what hospitality. My body slumped and the last thing I heard was a mighty roar.

Broly P.O.V.
I stared at the marbled floor and tapped my fingers on my throne, debating on whether or not to give (Y/n) a visit. I knew she would be mad at me but I began to grow impatient. I appeared outside her door and gave a gentle knock. I thought I would be nice for once. I opened the door and looked around for a bit before realizing that she just wasnt here. Odd. She never came into the castle. I stepped outside the cabin and inhaled deeply to try to calm my nerves but I tensed up as soon as I caught that scent. A male's scent mixed in with hers. I growled and quite literally followed my nose into the forest, my hands ready to rip apart something, my eyes ready to see blood, my mouth ready to taste it, and my nose ready to smell it. Someone is going to die tonight. I followed the scent everywhere and when I found her, it was the most horrific scene, and that's coming from a psycho. (Y/n) was tied up, bleeding, and unconscious while these males still beat on her. I roared in anger and charged the males,  immediately going into my legendary form. Many of them were armed with knives and swords, but all that shattered off my skin as I slayed them all, even the brother. He touched what was mine and put it in direct danger, he needed to die too. I looked around me and was satisfied with the sight. Blood, body parts and innards were thrown everywhere. My perfect view. I heard a small groan and snapped my head in that direction, ready to pounce. I looked down and saw (Y/n) in pain. I reverted back to normal and picked her up, appearing back at the castle and handing her off to a doctor. Much to my distaste the doctor kicked me out but a few minutes later she found me. "She needs a blood transfusion immediately. Off the top of my head you are the only one with a blood type similar to hers." I sighed and extended my arm out towards the female. "Well?! What are you waiting for?! Take my damn blood already!" The doctor scrambled off and I sighed. I hope this works....

The Psycho King (Broly x reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα