The Big News

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Chapter 09

Lexie's P.O.V.

It's been 3 weeks since our wedding and it was time to go back to work. As Mark parked his car in the slot made for the Head Of Plastics. He then gets out of the car and came to my side and opened the door for me. We quickly shared a kiss for a long time until we hear Meredith,Derek and a crying Zola. We quickly turn around and greet them. I then take Zola from Mer. "Hey Zo what's wrong baby girl?" I quickly try to soothe her and succeed. We all then walk to the attending lounge and get dressed. We were done getting dressed when Meredith asked me a question. "So how does it feel to be married?" I laugh at her. "It's actually really nice." just as I was about to offer to take Zola to daycare my and Derek's pager went of "911 at the pit." I quickly give Zola back to Meredith and kiss Mark. Derek and I then ran to the pit. At the pit me and Derek stood next to Owen. "What do we have Chief?" Derek suddenly asks. "A young male age 25. The women left the car in drive and it hit the guy he has a possible brain bleed and a few broken bones.Oh and Lexie you can come get your new coat by me after lunch." I nod my head and we then turn to the patient. As me and Derek were about to start taking care of the patient his pregnant wife starts fainting we quickly put her on a gurney. As I was about to help Derek the wife starts seizing. I quickly take care of her and when she was finally stable I went to help Derek. When the  up me,Derek and Callie was in the OR busy operating when an intern came in and asked for me. "Dr.Grey I mean Dr. Sloan it's Amanda." I quickly looked up and spoke to the intern. "Tell Amanda that Rian is fine." "Dr. Sloan she's not okay she just seized again." I look up at Derek and he nods at me. I quickly went to scrub out and went to Amanda's room. When she finally woke up I took her heart rate. "Hello Amanda how are you feeling?" "I'm okay." "Listen Amanda I want to take you for a CT to see what exactly is causing these attacks if that's fine with you?" she nods her head no I quickly took her for a CT. As I was waiting for the results to come up I suddenly feel someone kissing me. I quickly look up to see Mark. "What are you doing?"  he asks. "I'm waiting for Amanda's CT scan results to come up." just as I said that here scans came up. Shit she has a tumor in her brain. As soon as we got to her room I told her what happened. I then asked the intern to prep her for surgery. "I'll operate on you after lunch so see you soon." I then left the room and went to Owen's office. When I got there I knocked on the door. "Come in." I then went on. "Sorry to bother you sir but I'm here to get my new lab coat." he suddenly gets up and takes the lab coat out of the drawer. "Yes here you are Dr. Sloan." I quickly take it and put it on and went straight to the cafeteria." I went to sit down next to Mark and showed him my lab coat. We then went to get food but as soon as I took a bite of my pasta I felt nauseous and I start vomiting. I ran into Meredith on my way to the bathroom but instead of talking to her I run right past her. "Lex... Lex wait up." she follows me into the bathroom and hears me vomiting. When I came out she looks at me. "Are you okay Lex?" I nod my head. Suddenly my pager went off. "I have to go the OR is prepped and I have a surgery to get to." I then went to the OR and scrubbed in I was about to start operating Derek came in. "Why are you here?" "Meredith asked me to keep an eye on you she's worried about you." I shook my head and went forward. "Okay,scalpel" I take the scalpel and cut open her head. After I took the tumor put and was about to close up I felt dizzy and nauseous again. I tried to ignore it but it got worse. "Dr. Shepherd van you please finish closing up my patient I have to go somewhere." he nodded and took my place. I quickly went to scrub out and went to the bathroom. As soon as I got there I vomited again. As I came out I went back to the OR and saw Derek scrubbing out I asked how it went and he told me it went well. We then went to Amanda's husband and informed him that Amanda's surgery went well. After that I excused myself and went to an on-call room. Just as I lied down Meredith suddenly burst into the room and throws a brown paper bag at me. I take it and look what's inside. When I realized what it was I laughed. "You got to be kidding me Mer I'm not pregnant." she came to sit next to me. "Lex just take the damn test." I looked at her and sighed. I then stood up. "Are you coming?" I asked her. She nods her head and we then head to the bathroom. After 5 minutes I picked up the test and looked at the test. I couldn't believe what I read. I'm pregnant. "Mer!!!" she bursts into the toilet. "What is it?What's wrong Lex?" I show her the test. "OMG Lex you're pregnant." I nod my head and start crying and Meredith hugs me. "Lex what's wrong?Why are you crying this is supposed to be good news." I sniffled and tried to dry my eyes. "I'm scared Mer.What if Mark doesn't want anymore kids or if he doesn't want my kids." start crying again. "Lex look at me.Do you think Mark would've married you if he didn't want your kids?" I shook my head. "I didn't think so.Now wash your face and go finish your shift and tonight tell Mark that you're pregnant." I nodded my head and did what Meredith told me. After my shift I went to change and waited for Mark. When Mark was finally done we went home. When we got home I got dressed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth as soon as I was done Mark went to get ready for bed and I read a book as soon as Mark came back and into bed o laid down on his chest as he gently stroke my hair. "I love you Lex." "I love you too Mark."relaid there for a while. "Mark can I ask you something?" "Shoot" I took a breath. "If I told you I was pregnant what would you do?" "I would be very happy." I look up at him. "Mark, I'm pregnant." he looks at me for a while. "That's great news Lex.We're gonna be parents" I smile at him. "Yes we are." we then both went to sleep.

Slexie:Meant To Be Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin