Peanut butter cups

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Chapter 06

Mark's P.O.V.

I'm finally done with my surgery when I see Derek. "Hey man have you seen Lexie." he looks up from his chart. "You didn't hear? Thatcher's here so she and Meredith are there." I then quickly look at him and say thank you. After my shift ended I went to where Derek told me Lexie was and found a sleeping Lexie next to her Dad's bed. I then see Meredith talking to Derek and quickly walk over to them. "Hey how is she holding up?" I ask Meredith. "She's better than she was earlier. But I think you should take her home." I nod and then go into the room. I gently kiss her on the head and then pick her up bridal style and take her out. "Hey Derek would just help me get her into the car and then into the apartment?" he nods kisses Meredith and a sleeping Zola then walks out with me to my car after we put Lexie I then the back he got in next to me. When we got to my apartment he quickly took the spare key from under the welcome carpet and opened the door for me. He then invited himself in. "You can wait here if you want to I'm just quickly going to put her into bed them I'll be with you." he nods his head and I take Lexie into our room I open the covers and put her on the bed and close her up. I then gently kissed her goodnight and went out to Derek. After about an hour Derek finally left and I climbed into bed next to Lexie. After a few hours I woke up due to Lexie screaming. I quickly pulled her closer and gear her soft cry. "It's okay Lex.You're okay.Want to tell what happened?" "I...I just dreamt about my mother the last time I saw my dad in that hospital was when my mother died and when we found out he was sober and now he is sick. Mark I don't know if I can take this anymore." I gently stroke her hair to calm her because I know that usually helps. "Lex you'll get through this and I'll help you now sleep." she then close her eyes and we both went back to sleep. The next day at work I was busy in the scrub room with Jackson. "Jackson will you please help me figure out what's wrong with Lexie?" he was busy scrubbing  when I hear the soap hit the sink and see Jackson looking at me. "I'm not gonna be lead surgeon on a rinoplastima." "She just needs someone to talk to." "We are not close.That is not something we do." he suddenly pulls off his mask. "Peanut butter cups." he looks at me confused. "What?" "She's a stress eater. You get her to eat you get her talking and she loveees peanut butter cups." "That's ridiculous." "Tomorrow I'm doing a series of cliff paled surgeries for the Nightingale's foundation.Probono.That sort of thing might look fantastic on the reseme of someone who's in the running for Chief resident." "Might?" "Get some results,we'll talk."

Lexie's P.O.V.

Me,Meredith and Christina are standing outside of my father's room seeing how he and his girlfriend are kissing. When I finally had enough and turned to Meredith and Christina and talking to Meredith. "God get in there." "And do what?" she asks me. I quickly turn my head to my dad's room. "Well make it stop" just then Christina and says something. "It's not like she's 20.She's gotta be like 26,27." I then turn my head to her a bit irritated. "I'm 27." she looks at me. "Oh.Gross." I turn my head back around saying "Guggg". Suddenly Christina's pager goes of and she turns to a disgusted looking Meredith. "Uh.Tiny baby heart time.Careful when you go in there Mer.Youtago with one Hells Angel,you tango with the whole hay." she then walks away and I hear Meredith sigh. "Okay.You coming?" she asks me. I turn my head to her. "I'm not going in there again." I tell her. "Seriously Lexie?" "I can't" "Well then I'm going back to work." I suddenly turn my whole body towards her. "Meredith" just then we hear screaming coming from my dads room. Me and Meredith quickly run into the room. I then ask his Girlfriend to move "Okay hey move please." Meredith then picks up the phone. "I'm gonna page Bailey." then suddenly his girlfriend starts talking. "This is what happened last time." I ignore her and look at my dad. "Dad is it the same pain?Where is it coming from?" suddenly that bitch starts talking again. "I'm telling you I have seen this before." I then turn to her. "I'm sorry can you please let him talk?" "He can't talk." he then suddenly talks as I push on the right spot. "No it's here. Oww" "Right.Alright just back up please." "Baby its going to be okay." she says trying to touch my dad. "Back up." "I need to do something.Will you just tell me what...." I can't take it anymore. I start getting angry at her. "Hey back the hell up right now!" she looks at me as well as Meredith and I glare at her and return my attention to my dad. "Alright alright dad it's alright." just then doctor Bailey enters the room and Meredith explains to her what happened. We then run some blood test and waited for the results as soon as the results came back doctor Bailey explained everything to my dad. "The blood test indicate that you're liver is fine.Is there anything at all that you've left out?" doctor Bailey asks. He was about to say something when his girlfriend interrupted him. "It's when he pees.Just now and then.Last Thursday we had Mexican food and he drank all this water because it was so spicy he went to the bathroom as soon as we got home.I was so freaked out when he screamed later during the sex I didn't even connect..." doctor Bailey enters interiors her. "Uh.Alright,alright good that helps." she writes in his file when he speaks up. "So what do you think it could be?" he asks when Meredith suddenly answers him. "Well dad it could be kidney stones or your prostate." she looks at Meredith then talks. "Prostate?Are...You're saying he could have cancer?He can't have cancer." I then loose it I've had enough of her. "oh well that's what happens when your boyfriend's an old man.Old man get cancer." my dad then interrupts me. "Lexie" I ignore him and go on. "But no see if you were a doctor like we are you would realize that when we use the word prostate it doesn't necessarily mean cancer." doctor Bailey interrupts me "Dr.Grey" I ignore her. "No you see freaking out and jumping to conclusions like a little child isn't gonna do him any good." she then takes her turn and talks. "I am scared okay." I put my hands on my hips and lick my lips nodding my head that's what I always do when I'm angry. "I am terrified over here and I've got questions." she says and I raise my voice again. "You're terrified?We're his family." I indicate between me and Meredith. She then starts yelling at me. "I'm his family to." I then yell back "You're not his family you're his mid life crisis." my dad then jumps in. "Lexie,Lexie that's enough you're out of line." I then back away with my hands in the air "Fine" I then walk out. I keep walking to the attending lounge and got dressed I then found Mark and we went home.

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