Did you mean it?

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Chapter 03

Lexie's P.O.V.

It's been two weeks since the car crash and I was finally ready to go back to work. I can't believe I didn't get to operate on Sarah to take out her tumor but hey at least she had Derek and she is now tumor free. As I walk around the hospital halls I suddenly see Mark standing at the nurses station. I was about to turn around and walk away when suddenly he called me. "Oh hey Mark how are you?" he walks closer. "I'm fine thanks and you Lex." "I'm good thank you. Uhmm I have to go the Chief wants to See Me. Talk to you again later?" "Sure." I turn around but then turn back to face Mark. "Oh hey Mark can we talk about what happened two weeks ago?" he looks at me surprised but answers. "Sure just tell me where and when." "How about tonight 20:00 at Joe's?" "Sure see you then." other walk to Owen's office. I gently knock on the door  uhmm I wanted to give you this." he hands me a packet. I open it and inside is an attending uniform. "Congratulations Little Grey you are officially a Neuro Attending." I can't believe it. "Thank you sir." I leave Owen's office and immediately page Meredith to an on-call room. About 5 minutes later she enters the room. "I have something to tell you." we both say at exactly at the same time. "You go first." I tell her. "Okay I'm an attending in general surgery." I go into a hug. "Congrats Mer I'm proud of you.Now for my big news.You are looking at the newest...wait for it...Neuro-attending." she looks at me and smiles. "Congrats Lex I'm so so proud of you." suddenly our pagers goes off reading "911 at the pit all hands on deck" Mer and I quickly ran out to the pit and was given our patients and informed about their situation. I go to trauma 1 and see a girl with a plastic pipe sticking through her head. "Hey Amanda I'm Dr. Grey and I would like to take you up for a CT scan if that's okay." she nods her head and I take her to get a CT. As the results show on the screen I suddenly see that she has a brain tumor on her frontal lobe. Dammit she's only 16. I quickly went back to her room with her and told her about the tumor. I then let the intern prep her for surgery and then went to get an OR ready. After that I went to get Amanda and took her to the OR I then scrubbed in and started the surgery. After 4 hours of operating I could finally close up and send her to recovery. I then went to scrub out and went to the waiting room. "Family of Amanda Rosefield?" suddenly a young man and women introduced themselves as her parents. "Mr. and Mrs. Rosefield the surgery was successful and we are monitoring your daughter very closely. She will need radiation for a couple of months." the women started crying. "When can we see her." just as I was about  me as she and her husband went to see their daughter. I suddenly looked at my watch and saw that it was already 19:30. My shift  ended like 10 minutes ago. I quickly went to the attending lounge and changed into my normal clothes. I went to my car and started driving to Joe's. When I got there I quickly got out of my car and went into Joe's searching the room for Mark until I found him sitting in the corner. I quickly went over to the bar order myself a drink and went to Mark's table. "Hey Mark." he suddenly looks up smiling. "Lex,so glad you made it." I laughed softly and sat down. "So I invited you here because I wanted to ask you something." "Shoot" I took a breath and then spoke up. "Did you really mean what you said about being in love with me?" he checked on his drink and then answered. "Lex of course I meant it I...." I interrupted him by kissing him. We both pull away and he starts smiling. He then gently kisses me again and whisper in my ear. "Let's go to my place." we then go out to my car because he came with an Uber and we went to his house. As soon as he unlocked the door and we were inside he licked the door again and we started kissing again. Helices his hands down wanting to take off my shirt when I stop him. "Mark let's take it slow." I shook his head and went to the kitchen. God he's sexy, I can't take this anymore. I went up to him and said "Screw taking it slow." he just laughed and said "I knew you won't be able to resist the urge." he then starts kissing me and picking me up and walk to his bedroom. He gently places me on the bed and drags his lips across my jaw and undresses me leaving me in my underwear. He then moves down her body with his lips. Against my belly he asked me a question I didn't quite hear. So I just replied with a uh-huh. As Mark moved his fingers up my thigh I was fisting the sheets. He then started talking again gently rubbing his fingers on my panties. He kept on taking and I couldn't take it anymore. "Mark,shut up!" I burst out and he just laughs. He then went back to my lips and kissed me. We made love the whole night and when we both reached our limits we just laid there together.

Slexie:Meant To Be Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora