Serbia x Croatia (Fluff)

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Today had been another quiet day. Serbia was making a sandwich in his kitchen. All of a sudden, his phone sounded, indicating a message.

Slowly, he walked to it and picked it up. He read the message and replied:

B&H: Yo, u comin to the party @ Turkey's house?

Serbia: Idk...

B&H: u sure? there are gonna be some cute boys there 😏 👉

Serbia: No

B&H: there's gonna bee prebanac.

Serbia: fine.

B&H: great! I'll come to pick u up. Be there in 10!

Serbia: See you then.

Serbia turned off his phone and ate his sandwich fairly quickly. He didn't like the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina attempted to lure him there with guys. He was gay, but didn't want to go there because of that.

He had been fairly introverted since the disbanding of Yugoslavia in 2003. Despite his Balkan friends urging him to "live a little",  he refused, rudely or politely.

Still, it would be nice to get out of the house a little, he thought. Then he realized that he had been in a trance for a while. So he snapped out of it and got what he would need for it.

A little bit later, a car drove into the driveway. Knowing exactly who it was, he grabbed his coat and walked outside to greet his friend.

"Ay, man," he said with a chill grin, "you ready to go to this party?" Serbia nodded as he buckled himself up and they were off to Turkey's house.

Halfway through the drive towards Turkey's residence, Bosnia and Herzegovina decided to spark up some conversation.

"So," Bosnia said, "this party's going to be super fun! There will be drinks, some prebanac, and you would finally be able to meet some new people. Maybe even some hot ones." Serbia rolled his eyes while blushing and playfully punched his friend's arm.

"Huh, quite the silent one today, aren't you?" Serbia ignored this as he stared out the window.

A few minutes later, they arrived at Turkey's house. Bosnia and Serbia got out of the car and walked to the front door. Serbia knocked the door and Romania answered.

"Hello Bosnia!" he greeted, "And Serbia! It's been years and you come now to party! What a total loner!"

"Give him a break, vampire!" Bosnia said with an intimidating tone, "he's been going through a lot!"

Serbia looked down at his feet as Romania gestured them to come inside.

There were quite a bunch of people there. All the Balkans, most of the Middle East, and some Africans.

Serbia looked around attempting to find some prebanac and (great tasting) vodka and just enjoy. Eventually, he found them and after taking what he needed, he walked to a seat nearby to enjoy his food.

After 25 minutes of eating and drinking, he looked around to find a slightly taller country trying to surprise him. After a couple seconds of confusion, Serbia's face lit up.

"Croatia?!" he exclaimed with happiness as he wrapped his arms around his long-lost friend, "Oh my god! I haven't seen you since 1992!"

"How have you been, my friend?" Croatia said, hugging back.

"Well, I haven't gotten out of the house since Yugoslavia. But I'm doing better now that you're here!"

"Not much has happened with me since my independence. I've played with my dalmatian often, and I've been going out. It only lasted a year, however."

"You've dated a year? I haven't even dated anyone yet."

"Come, take a seat with me. We've got some catching up to do."

Croatia sat down on the couch and motioned Serbia to join him. They both loved talking to each other. Back in 1918, when Croatia left the grasps of Austria-Hungary, he was only a small little boy. Terrified, asthmatic and insecure. Serbia noticed this, and took little Croatia under his wing, under the new Yugoslavian family.

Overtime, Croatia grew up. And found it nice to converse with Serbia. He even grew to have a small crush on the Serbian. They lost touch once he became independent, and they hadn't talked since.

A couple hours later, both were enjoying their time. Croatia was slightly drunk, swaying back and forth. Serbia was able to handle the alcohol.

"Hey," Croatia slurred, "did I ever tell you you look good lookin'?" Serbia adopted a confused face while looking at him.

"Um, excuse me?" he said.

"You heard me." Croatia suddenly went limp, putting his arm around Serbia for support. Serbia flinched at the sudden movement but kept his balance. Croatia was pretty light for a tall dude.

"Yeah, I say you're pretty drunk."

"And I say I would like to kiss you!" Croatia  suddenly turned his head to look at the other boy, grabbed his chin and smashed his lips against Serbia's.

Serbia became shocked but started to kiss back, enjoying the feeling at that moment in time.

They both pulled away. Both were blushing madly.

"I love you so much, Serbia." Croatia whispered.

"Heh, you sure you ain't saying that because you're drunk?" the Serbian replied.

"Positive. You'd know if I'm totally drunk."

"Wanna go back to your place?"

"Sure. I'm finished here anyways, so let's order an Uber."

Serbia takes out his phone to contact an Uber. After, they walked outside to the driveway, sat down at the cirb, and waited.

Soon, an Uber pulled up, and the two got inside. Serbia and Croatia were holding hands as they arrived at their destination. Once the driver was out of sight, Croatia swept Serbia off his feet and carried the smaller country bridal style to the room. He gently laid him on the bed as he closed the door and turned off the lights. Soon, both countries were under the blankets, cuddling.

"Love you, Croatia." Serbia whispered.

"I love you too, Serbia." Croatia replied. Soon enough, both were knocked out cold.

983 words.

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