Twenty Five

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Natasha's birthday celebrations continued with her friends in a bar that night, mostly organised by Clint and Wanda. They had invited friends from college, and Wanda had invited along her new man friend, the one night stand that she never wanted to get rid of, even despite Clint and Natasha's teasing.

Natasha stepped out of her room, pulling at the hem of her dress around her thighs slightly, smoothing out the tight material as she headed to the door with them dressed equally as fancy.

"Wow, birthday girl!" Wanda whistled, "You look-"

"Disgusting." Clint teased, giving her a wink as she laughed and Flinching away when Wanda firmly pinched his arm.

"Thanks!" She rolled her eyes playfully. "Now, are we going to party or what?"


Val handed her a shot then passed one to Clint and Carol too, something an unnatural colour of electric blue that rippled when she clinked her own shot against theirs. "Happy birthday Nat," she kissed her cheek, "Down it babe, before I do it for you."

Natasha didn't need much encouragement, throwing it back as did Clint and Carol, all three of them shivering at the sharpness of the liquor while Val was unaffected.

"Ugh, what was that?" Carol grimaced, wiping her lips on the back of her hand.

"No idea. But if you're able to stand straight at the end of the night, it didn't work." Val shrugged with a smirk.

She laughed, setting the empty glass down to pick up her cocktail again, feeling Clint tap her shoulder before his lips were at her ear.

"Water to recover from whatever the fuck that was?" He suggested and she nodded in agreement.

He moved to the bar, wanting to avoid another killer hangover tomorrow or dragging Natasha off the ground mid way through the night. Wanda grabbed his arm before he could lift the glasses of water the bartender gave him, and beamed up at him excitedly. "Clint! I want you to meet my Vince, my boyfriend!" (Vision - Vince? Idk)

"Good to meet you," he smiled politely, shaking his hand as Clint stared at him dumbfounded. He 100% knew this guy, god knows from where. Was it the gym? Somewhere in the city?

Wanda nudged Clints ribs and he quickly shook out of his awkward silence. "Right! Hey! Sorry, man, I think the shots are hitting me hard already," he tried to laugh it off.

"Sorry, I hadn't realised you were Wanda's roommate. Otherwise I would have introduced myself a few weeks ago when I bumped into you on the porch." he chuckled softly, "Though I didn't want to interrupt your moment with your girl, Sorry if I ruined it. Looked pretty intense."


"A girl, huh?" Wanda raised a brow at Clint, who gulped hard as the water he used to distract from his reaction. "What girl?"

"Oh, it wasn't anyone, I don't even remember. Could have been the old lady that always talks to us when we get mail-"

"Nah, it was the red head, yeah?"

"Definitely wouldn't be a red head." Clint faked a lost expression, cursing himself for how utterly stupid his response was, but he'd panicked.

"How many red heads do you know, Clint?" Wanda frowned.

"Yeah, that's her there." He nodded to Natasha who was too busy talking to Val to notice, already giving into the pressure of taking another shot. "You were hugging or something, I remember getting out of their fast because her lipstick was smudged all on your-"

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