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The conversation was lengthy, detailed and awkward. Very awkward, which was why they were about 3 cocktails plus one shot of tequila deep.

"Natasha, you know I'll always support you, but this? A man in the middle of a divorce? Your professor? James?!" She exhaled before taking a drink. "It's my work, family and friends all colliding."

"How is work?" Natasha asked, raising a brow.

"Don't change the subject." She gave a disapproving look that slowly merged into a grin.

Natasha sipped her cocktail, still calming her initial shock much like Maria's was. "This isn't a cry for help, or a phase, or me rebelling and experimenting in my college years."

"I'd be lying if I said those thoughts hadn't crossed my mind..." Maria smirked slightly. "What is it then Nat? Do you see something with him? Future? House, ring, kids?"

"Woah, okay wait a minute, I'm only 22." She laughed softly as Maria nodded.

"And he's 33. He's at that stage. He's lived most of that stage." She watched the colour drain from Natasha's face. "I'm not saying he wants all that now, I don't know. I'm just curious, naturally, I mean..." she held her head in her hands a moment. "Oh god I can't believe you're sleeping with my friend."

"I can't believe you didn't tell me you had hot friends." She teased, both laughing as they met one another's eye.

"You're a smart kid, you work hard, just don't let this ruin you. Okay?" Maria warned. "He's a good guy, maybe a little more troubled, but he will alway treat you right."

"I don't doubt for a minute, but I promise I'll keep my wits about me, if you promise me something?."

Maria looked a little uncomfortable at the suspense. "Alright, name it..."

"...Please don't tell Mom or Dad."

"Oh honey," Maria exhaled with a laugh, shaking her head. "I'm more than happy to leave that up to you."


Across the room, James sat with the rest of his friends, chatting about general life and trying to avoid the whole "dating a student though not technically thing". Pepper sat across from him, Tony's arm loosely around her as she narrowed her eyes at James and raised a brow. "So, Natasha is here to stay?"

James blinked at her, taken aback by the question but nodded, unsure of how to take her tone. Tony leapt to James' rescue and his own death.

"Hope so! She's fun! Why wouldn't she be! Seems pretty caught up in old Buck here, and she's the breath of fresh air he needs."

Pepper raised her eyebrows at him. "You seem pretty caught up too."

"Oh c'mon, Pep!" Tony chuckled, "Are you jealous?"

She raised her brows, looking back to James. "Not at all, I just don't trust her."

Steve frowned as did James. "Have you even spoken to her yet?" Steve asked, pointed yet remaining polite.

"No, but I've heard Maria talk about her niece. Or not actual niece. Whatever. She gets whatever she wants. Really good at wrapping people around her little finger." She sighed. "I'm not trying to be a bitch here, I just think you need a woman's perspective on this, while everyone else here drools over her."

Tony behind her head rolled his eyes and took a long drink. Steve blushed and Rhodey looked down at his phone suddenly distracted. Sharon nodded a little. "I see Pepper's point. But Maria told us those things in a less negative way. She made a joke of it."

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