1: Just keep smiling

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Jaxon's POV

"Jax!! Jax wait up!!" I smile at the sing song voice that belongs to none other than my bestfriend Hayli.

"Hm? What's up Hayli?" I quickly pull my pastel purple hoodie sleeves down.

"Wanna hang out today after school?" She chirped cheerily grabbing her books for 6th and 7th period.

"Nah, I promised my sisters I would come and see them." I lied through my teeth. She look disappointed but quickly masked it with another face splitting smile.

"Oh alright. Tell them I say hi yea? I'll see ya tomorrow Jax." She heads off to her last two periods across the school. Sadly we barely have any classes together, but that's fine. My last two classes mix with the seniors, it's annoying sometimes but oh well, I can't do much about it other than get through the year, which sadly has barely began.

Walking into the class I head to my desk in the back. I got lucky, we have an odd number of students so I wasn't forced to have a desk partner, these last two periods are pretty much a nap for me or music jam session, the teacher doesn't care about the students so we rarely do anything. Just as I sat down and went to put my ear buds in the door opened and the teacher shot up.

"Class say hello to your newest classmate..." she looks at the jock, yes jock; he is tall and fit what else would he be, asking for his name silently by trailing off.

"Kayden." His voice comes out smoothly, almost perfectly. I cringe, great a mister perfect. I put my earbud in and look out the window in my own world. Until some asshole plopped himself down beside me. I jerked my head his way only to be met with the most beautiful asshole ever. Surprisingly I don't blush, I smile at him and wave politely. My pastel purple sleeves cover my hands.

His eyes flash with what looks like annoyance and disgust. He shrugs my wave off and looks away, with what I assume was boredom plastered on his face.

"Damn twink." He muttered the all to familiar term to where only I could hear. Letting out a sigh I look back out the window.

"That's me." I whisper, a fake smile still plastered across my face. After all, if you keep smiling, one day the world will get tired of hurting you.

Kayden's POV

Walking down the long hallways of every new school is always the same, annoying. They all stare, they all drool, they all beg, and my answer is always the same.

"Listen girl, I ain't giving you my number so you can tell your girlfriends we fucked when we didn't. Beat it." And the most troubling part is, she didn't look hurt or sad. She ran off squealing.

"girls! He talked to me! Eeeeeeeee!!" I roll my eyes.

"Hey man, you just moved here and you're already popular with the girls. Share it with us!" My friend called out. I turned around smiling at him knowing he was joking.

"You would think after a week of rejection they'd all back off" I laughed and wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

Eventually the bell rang out meaning Will and I had to part ways. My 6th and 7th periods were a conjoined class, meaning I'll be around a bunch of annoying juniors. Shrugging off the girls that keep coming up to me I bust through the classrooms door.

The teacher stood up and introduced me to the class, I had to remind her what my name was, typical for teachers who don't care. Looking around the classroom she pointed out my new seat, I was in the back corner sharing a desk with...great a twink. He is in a pastel purple hoodie with bright blue ear buds. If this kid was in the closet he was doing a bad job at hiding it, his whole aura screams gay.

I sit down and he smiles at me, I will admit his black curls and bright blue eyes make him look kinda cute, but he isn't and will never be my type. For one big thing, he has a duck. I muster up my best disgust filled face and shrugged off the twinks wave. I look the opposite way already bored with him.

"Damn twink." I whisper just enough for him to hear. I knew the hurt sigh was coming, but what I didn't except was what came out of his mouth next.

"That's me."

I take my chances and peek around, only to see him smiling. I click my tounge, he is fucking mocking me. I'll show this bitch after 7th what happens when you try and be a wise guy with me.

* * *

After three hours of waiting to pound the fag the bell finally rang. The kid didn't move an inch as everyone rushed out the door, so I waited by the door.

The puple hoodie didn't even make it a step past the door way before I had him by the collar of it.

"Ah! W-wait!" He stutters out causing me to smirk.

"What fag?"

"Please let me take my hoodie off before you hurt me." It was an odd request but I dropped him none the less. I watched as he took the hoodie off carefully and placed it in his backpack.

After he stood back up I couldn't help but feel a little bad. He was shaking and obviously holding back tears. I may be a dick but I'm not heartless so I sigh and move to the side.

"Don't mock me again faggot, I won't let you go next time." I lean back and cross my arms as he scurries off. Damn kid, who does he think he is?

Walking outside to my car I see the faggot on the phone, being the asshole I am, when I get in my car and pull out I honk and watch him jump, his phone hit the ground and I looked put my window to see the shattered screen.

"That's what happens to twinks!" I laugh as I drive on.

Word count: 1034

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