Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

A/N: I remember mentioning limbo in the last chapter and for all those who don't know what it is I will explain it to you now. It's kind of like a place where people who aren't good but not evil go to await God's judgment. That is just the vague explanation but if you want to know more look it up.

The two were quiet for the first minutes of the journey until Tyki cleared his throat and said, "Well it is quite a long journey. What should we talk about?"

Lilith looked at him and tilted her head to the side in thought. She really didn't have anything she wanted to talk about that she had not already cried over and over again so she asked, "What did you mean the yesterday morning?"

Tyki raised his eyebrow, "What?"

"You know when you said, 'I will always be there for you.' " Lilith replied.

Tyki smiled and said, "I meant exactly as I said." He then got up and sat next to her. He took her hand, kissed it causing Lilith to blush. He chuckled a bit and then put his arms around her in a hug and said, "No matter what that vow will stay."

Lilith blushed but hugged him back, and without thinking said, "Thank you Tyki."

Tyki and Lilith released and Tyki went back his seat. She was confused on why she said thank you but then knew why she did; Emilia was gone and now no one was guaranteed to be by her side. She smiled at him and inquired, "Now what shall we talk about?"

They talked about everything and nothing on the carriage ride back to the Noah's mansion, and a certain dread approached Lilith as they got closer; the servants, who worked for Emilia and the Madam before all this tomfoolery, still have yet to be graced with the horrible knowledge that Emilia was now dead.

Lilith didn't know what would happen to them but they would probably have to leave or be turned into Akuma for the Earl to control; which would involve their closest loved ones to be killed. Her thoughts then went to her mother and father and even more dread closed in around Lilith's heart because they would never leave her and Lilith could never leave. That would then lead to one of her parents dying.

She hoped she could convince her parents to leave but she couldn't think of a way. When the carriage was out front of the mansion she exited to find that the rest of the Noah were looking at Tyki and her with expectant eyes. Tyki and Lilith laughed and left into the mansion, leaving the Noah with confused looks as they also went inside.

As they got inside Lilith knew what she had to do. She turned to the Noah and said, "If you would excuse me I have to talk to the servants that were under Emilia."

Without even waiting their replies she left to the servants' quarters, and when she got there she gathered the humans up and told them, "Emilia was murdered last night." There was shock heard throughout the group.

One of the maids asked, "When is her funeral?"

Lilith replied impromptu, "The killer cut her up so much that we had to bury her at then and there."

Some of the servants cried and Lilith's parents held onto her and cried while Lilith stayed strong; though is Lilith hadn't cried it all out last night she would be crying with them. She then cleared her throat and began; "Now I sadly have to declare that the Earl cannot keep any of you due to his budget for servants isn't in the best of shape."

There was talk amongst the servants but all of them in the end all decided to go out into the world and find new jobs instead of fighting to stay. Lilith and her parents were the last to leave and when Lilith's mother asked where Lilith would like to start looking for work she replied, "Mom, Dad, I'm going to stay and work here."

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