Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Lilith yelled at the Exorcists, "She wasn't doing any harm! I was able to keep her urges from making her kill! Why couldn't you just leave her alone?"

They looked at her and were speechless; as if they never heard of an Akuma's killing urges being suppressed by a human. But what they didn't know was that she was a human with the first demon inside of her.

She then heard the red haired boy ask, "You can control and Akuma's urges?"

Lilith nodded and said, "And if you would've noticed she wasn't doing me any harm!" a dark aura then started to surround Lilith's vision and she opened her clenched fists and moved it above her heart, and the aura surrounded her hands.

She felt the sensation she had learned from Snake-Lilith the previous night and pulled the ivory gun blade from her chest with her right hand. She extended it to her right and then the white haired boy said, "Krory! Wasn't that the gun blade that new exorcist you brought in had?"

The black haired man, apparently named Krory, nodded and said, "Yes, Allen, it is. But this isn't the exorcist I found."

Lilith felt a smile creep to her lips and she said, "Of course I'm not! And just so you know, that darling Exorcist was killed by Tyki."

The red haired one said, "Wait... you're a Noah?"

Lilith shook her head and Snake-Lilith laughed, "No, what I am is something different and so much worse. And now I'm going to turn this innocence into a weapon I can use," Snake-Lilith laughed at the Exorcists expressions when they noticed her skin had turned pitch black as did the weapon, "This Innocence is now dark matter. Lilith take back over your body. I'm going to come out."

Lilith gained control of her body and her skin turned to its natural color. The dark aura that surrounded Lilith before now crept onto the sand and turned into another Lilith, but in Snake-Lilith form. Snake-Lilith smiled and said, "Well now Exorcists, how does it feel like to be in the presence of the first and mother of all the Akuma that you've been fighting all these years?"

Lilith looked at Snake-Lilith astonished that she could do this but was distracted when she heard Tyki's voice from behind her yell, "There's some Exorcists here Earl!"

Lilith smiled, feeling a little too evil to be natural, and yelled to the oncoming Noah, "Let me handle this one. They killed Emilia!"

The Noah stopped in their tracks and nodded though acting a little confused when they saw another Lilith out.

Snake-Lilith laughed and said, "Now that the Exorcists have broken from their shock shall we?"

Lilith nodded and Snake-Lilith smiled evilly and said, "Well then let me go into my true form."

Snake-Lilith shifted into a gigantic black snake, and she launched at the attacking Exorcists with a hiss. Lilith followed suit but stabbed out with her gun blade. She locked weapons with Allen, the white haired boy and said, "I'm going to kill you!"

Lilith jumped back from the boy, lifted the gun blade to the air and shot six rounds of dark matter into the sky before locking blades with him. With a slight sound her ears had been recently trained to hear she released herself from the lock of weapons, and went to the vampire Exorcist, just as the six rounds hit Allen.

She almost sliced the vampires head off but the red haired boy blocked it with his hammer. She cursed and jumped back just as she realized they had both ganged up on her. She was on the defensive until their comrades were thrown into them by Snake-Lilith.

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