Snake-Lilith then hissed, "Is that all you have Lilith?"

Lilith laughed and replied, "Thanks."

She tried to run to Snake-Lilith but the only female in the quad grabbed her and went up at an insane speed into the air and dropped her. Lilith was dizzy from going that high so fast so she couldn't regain her balance. And the female hit her then dragged her back up again only to knock her back down who knows how many time. Finally the Exorcist thought it was enough and let Lilith take her final plunge down to earth.

She let a tear escape from her eye as she braced herself form impact, and thought, "I'm sorry I couldn't avenge your death Emilia."

But then arms caught her and when she saw the owner she smiled and saw it was Tyki. She hugged him and he said, "I'm glad I got you on time. Now that you've had your fun, do you mind if we Noah join?"

Lilith laughed and said, "Not at all."

Tyki smiled as he placed her on the ground and said, "She gave the okay!"

The Noah then smiled and Lulubell was the first to join; and as soon as she did the female Exorcist grabbed Allen and Krory grabbed the red haired boy and they were gone. Road walked over to Lilith, who was still in bridal position in Tyki's arms, and said, "Aww I missed all the fun."

Tyki let her down and then Lilith looked up in the sky and then walked over to Snake-Lilith. The giant snake slithered over to her and then went into her chest and as she did Snake-Lilith's voice sounded, "So what will you do now?"

Lilith looked to the Noah and smiled replying to Snake-Lilith, "I guess I'll stay with the only people I know."

She could feel Snake-Lilith smile and said, "Well then I guess this was for the best; though it is too bad about Emilia."

Lilith walked up to the Noah and said, "If it wasn't for Emilia I wouldn't have gotten here. And if she hadn't died I wouldn't have been able to stay once she went off and married. It's a sad fact but it's better this way."

When Lilith was standing next to the group she asked, "So what are the plans for the rest of the night?"

They smiled at her and Lulubell grabbed Lilith's arm, dragged her away and said, "We'll be right back."

When they were far enough away from the group Lulubell stopped and said, "You're going to cry and when you're done I'll be standing a few feet away from you." And she walked away.

Lilith was shocked but glad that Lulubell had done this for her. Lilith then realized just how sad she was and she crashed to her knees and broke down as memories of Emilia came to her. Snake-Lilith came out and just held her until she stopped crying and then went back in. Lilith didn't know how long she was there but when she was done she felt somewhat better and more determined to follow the path with the Noah.

Lilith stood up, walked over to Lulubell, and they walked to the rest of the Noah. The Noah then walked to the hotel and they kept the same rooms as the night before, and when Lilith crashed on the bed in her beach clothes and fell asleep.

Snake-Lilith was floating above Lilith's bed and said, "Tonight I'm going to let you sleep, but I'll still be teaching you while you sleep." Lilith nodded, closed her eyes and sleep ensued.

When Lilith woke up she headed into the bathroom and went to the mirror looking for her bloated eyes; which surprisingly only needed an hour or so till it was back to normal. She then headed to the main room to grab her bag, and then back to the bathroom to change into her day's clothes, after her bath.

When she came out of the bathroom she noticed Tyki was still asleep so she quietly placed her bags and then walked over to balcony to look out at the rising sun. She heard movement coming from the room when the sun was up, though she ignored it. That is, until, she heard Tyki moving on the bed and she looked back.

But it wasn't Tyki moving on the bed, it was Emilia. Lilith was so shocked she fell over the railing, but was saved by Emilia who had grown large pure white wings. They hovered in the air and Emilia smiled and brought her back to the room while Lilith was just looking at her in shock.

When Emilia landed and placed Lilith safely in the hotel room Lilith realized her dead friend was there, hugged her, and sobbed into her friends shoulder. Emilia laughed and said, "I never expected my strong friend to ever break down like this."

Lilith only sobbed harder at her voice and Emilia let out a sigh and pet Lilith's head. When Lilith calmed down a bit Emilia moved Lilith so they were standing face to face and said, "Lilith I'm sorry I couldn't see the truth while I was still alive, but I feel sorry for you."

Lilith knew she was talking about sharing a body with a demon and she said, "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, but I didn't want you to go back to the way you were after your mother or get any worse."

Emilia smiled and said, "I understand that and I am grateful you did that for me. Though the reason I was able to visit you this night was because this is the last time I can see you until your soul goes to limbo." Lilith nodded and Emilia continued, "Plus I want you to know that I'm happy now and couldn't be better; which means I don't want you to try and seek revenge for me." Lilith nodded and Emilia hugged her friend once again, "I wish the best for you, and follow your heart my dear."

She then burst into feathers and Lilith cried the remaining sadness for Emilia out of her system.

Lilith woke up officially with the feeling of Emilia's death still acknowledged, but accepted. Plus she was strangely more certain the path she planned to follow was the one she still wished to follow. She sat up and did the same routine she did in the dream except didn't go to the balcony; she headed downstairs to the small restaurant, with her bags, and ordered some breakfast.

When she was done and started drinking her tea, hands covered her eyes and a person asked, "Guess who."

"Tyki could you please remove hands?" she asked and he did as he was told. She took a sip of tea and Tyki sat down across from her with his bags all packed.

Tyki smiled and said, "I was surprised to see you gone this morning."

Lilith smiled and said, "I needed something to do other than stand at the balcony waiting for you to wake up."

Tyki smirked and said, "Well I guess that is a good enough excuse."

A waitress then came over and asked, "May I get you something sir?"

Tyki smiled up at her and said, "I would just like a coffee, black preferably." The waitress nodded and gleefully hopped off to get his order. Lilith laughed and Tyki asked, "What's so funny?"

"She seemed a little too eager to get you coffee, if you catch my meaning," Lilith stated with a teasing manner.

Tyki smiled and replied teasingly, "Are you jealous?"

Lilith laughed and said sarcastically, "Oh yes! I'm green with envy."

They both laughed and the waitress came back with the coffee and asked, "Are you sure you won't like anything else?"

Tyki smiled up at her and said, "Nothing else thank you." The waitress smiled and then walked away. Tyki and Lilith people watched a bit and played a little game on what they guessed a person was thinking.

Tyki and Lilith had finished their drinks for some time and then the rest of the family joined them, looking like they had already ate. Tyki and Lilith stood up and grabbed their bags and then greeted their mornings and such. When they walked out to their carriages and Lilith got in hers Tyki was pushed in and the door the slammed shut. Lilith helped him up and then the carriage started up after the bags seemed to be strapped to the top.

Lilith laughed and Tyki did the same saying, "I guess they want us to have some alone time."

Lilith looked out the window watching the scenery go by and replied, "I guess so."

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