10: My Heart Burns There, Too.

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September: The Meadows

"I can only remember parts, but, I thought I was dead." Beverly told us. "That's what I felt like. I saw all of us together back in the cistern, but we were older. Like, our parents' ages." She finished.

"What were we all doing there?" Bill asked curiously. "I just remember how we felt.." Beverly answered. "Y/n was happily married with Richie and most of us had significant others too. I just can't get my finger on it." Richie smiled at me. "Y/n Tozier, huh?" I blushed.

"I remember how scared we were, I don't think I can ever forget that." Beverly added. Bill picked up a sharp object from the grass, "Swear it. Swear that I-if it comes back, we'll come back, too." Bill protested. We all stood up and held out our palms for Bill to scrape our hand with the glass. I was after Richie who was cursing under his breath of the "immense pain." I left covered my bloody palm with my other hand. Bev was the brave one, never scared, hurt, or affected by anything. We all put our bloody hands together and held them, I held Richie and Eddie's hands. We slowly dropped them, "I gotta go." Said Stanley. "I hate you." Stanley added with a straight face, then a smile causing us all to laugh. "I'll see you later." said Stanley walking off. "Bye Stan."

Eddie left, then Mike, then Richie and I, then Ben. Beverly and Bill stayed.

"I bet you they're making out." Richie suddenly said while walking. "Hey, Rich." I whispered and we stopped walking. "I'm going to miss you and your adorable face." I said very seriously. "Why, are you moving again, Y/N?" He said with a large frown. "Of course not. I would never leave you." He gave me a soft look. "Then why will you miss me? We can see each other again tomorrow." I licked my dry lips. "Really?" I halfway grinned. "Yeah, we all will. Stan did say he would see us later."

"But, I'm glad you think my face is adorable." He said confidently." He pulled in for a kiss, a long one like we were making out. He started to bite my lower lip slowly and swirl his tongue around mine whilst repeatedly feeling under my shirt. "Alright, Richie, we're still in a public place." I chuckled. "That's right you are." Ben came from nowhere and gave us a sigh while walking past. I heavily sighed while giving a look of embarrassment. "I know you like that hot stuff, maybe we can go to my place and blow this popsicle stand, and maybe blow me?" He said smiling. "I would love to but I'm Im actually kind of in the mood for ice cream right about now." I replied. It was a beautiful sunny day. He nodded while grinning, 'maybe later!' We held hands and talked about random things on the way there.

"I'm really liking your outfit Richie, that's the best Hawaiian shirt I've seen you wear." I chuckled.

"Yeah, I wanted to impress you."

"You always impress me just by showing affection."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my ear. We arrived at the ice-cream parlor and there were ton of people. Richie held the door open for me. "Ladies first." I spotted my sister and Steve sharing a milkshake and thought it was super cute. Richie was already at the counter ordering ice cream. He grabbed my arm lightly,
"We can sit in-front of the windows because I know you like to see the sun." I giggled. We sat right next to each other her on the stools which had a table in front and a large window. "Thanks, Richie." I smiled.

A waiter walked over and took our order:, "yeah, we'll have mint ice-cream and a vanilla milkshake with two straws please." Richie ordered and the man wrote down our order walking away. "Hey how did you know I liked mint chocolate chip ice-cream?" I said amazed. "Don't worry about that, I'm just being a good boyfriend." He said smiling dorkily in my eyes.

Richie's POV

Y/N was seriously attractive and beautiful. A little moan escaped my mouth. "Uhh Richie?" She laughed. "Shit. Sorry. I'm getting deep in my imaginations."

The lady came back quick with our drinks after I made the noise.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Hey Y/N, this is going to sound so cheesy and I know we are just 14 but I..." My eyebrows lifted. "I really haven't found anyone else like you. You're the best girl I've ever met and you really make my stomach churn and my brain melt, maybe why I say stupid stuff. I will fuck you senselessly right here and right now on this table." He said pointing harshly on the table. "Richie, you're so loud.."

"I don't care! I want people to know how much I love you!"

Crystal and Steve plus everyone in the parlor looked at us as we turned around.

I was extremely embarrassed from all the attention but I liked how Richie was so caring of me. Crystal laughed our way and then everyone turned back around to their business.
"Sorry Y/N.."

"No! Don't be sorry! That was sweet of you. Thank you again Richie." I kissed his cheek as he blushed.

"However, do you think we're too young for love? Most people say kids this age don't even know what love is." I sighed.

"I know what love is. You helped me come to realize that ever since you came into my life and gave me the best months of my life that you really make me happy." He said calmly while taking a sip of the milkshake.

"Richie you are so special I don't know what I would do without you. I never thought you would describe those things about me." I chucked as he smiled.

He turned to look at me. "Now try this smoothie!"

"Very nice!" I said giggling and I gave him some of my ice cream. "I think this might be my new flavor." he said while blushing.


hope you guys enjoyed this book- um I'll make a second one when there are in high school and I'll be making my own story line because this one was solely based off of the 2017 film.

1085 words

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