Headcanon #7: How Angel and Aubrey met

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requested by: just_dare (i know you also requested Angel during his adolescence, but that will be part of the childhood/background series that i'm doing for all the characters)


•Angel and Aubrey first acknowledged each other at the start of high school

•They interacted the first time at a party junior year

•At said party, Angel, just being Angel, noticed Aubrey and found her pretty. He approached her with his usual charm and invited her to dance.

•At first she dismissed him, but with some persistence she agreed. 

•Given all of Aubrey's experience and training, she blew him away. Not just Angel either, the surrounding crowd noticed as well, and in typical party fashion they formed a circle around her and cheered her on.

•Angel reluctantly gave in and joined the people forming the circle. 

•From that day forward, he was always captivated by Aubrey. 

•They got close when the dance competition-thing started their senior year. (See: Timeline headcanon)

•His advances, whether or not they are true in their romantic intent, stem from his admiration of her skill and powerful attitude. 



idk if ive mentioned this but IM ON DC VR!!! im so down to play with yall in the lounge just let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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