Thick As Thieves

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A/N- Shoutout to @hd1606 who helped Stacey stay Stacey in this one.

"Captain Stacey?" I heard a voice whisper behind me. I jumped and saw our very own Neil Jones grinning a cheeky smile. He enjoys pranking too much for anyone else's good. This was mild though. He must be checking up on how I'm getting on.

"Co-Captain Neil?" The ship that we're captains of is Joanne, of course. No one that's ever seen Joe Sugg and Lady Di together can deny they have great chemistry. It was no wonder that we was spying on our favourite couple.

"Have a look at this..." He showed me some pictures of Joe and Dianne in their dress rehearsals and then a video of the end of their waltz.

"Ahhh, bless him. He looks gutted. I think I better go find him."

"Good idea. I'm gonna look for Dianne."

Me and Joe had been bonding over our mutual dislike of camera block through on the Fridays. They're nerve wracking you know. Not even joking. But this looked like something else.

As I went off in search of my favourite man, my mind drifted to the weeks leading up to this point. I noticed the looks Joe and Dianne were giving each other plus King Kev and I had the added advantage of making up the Awesome Foursome with them. And you know what? They're honestly the cutest.

It must have been like week four that all sirens were blaring to me, Neil and Dr Ranj—at least about Joe's feelings. The pros were dancing a group number to Dua Lipa's Hotter Than Hell, and believe you me, Lady Di was definitely hotter than hell. Even though Janette was the main focus of the dance, our Joe Sugg was completely transfixed by her.

So after seeing them being so cute, Neil and I came up with a really sweet idea. Now I know Joe is the professional vlogger, but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't do something similar. There was so much cute Joanne material in the making that Neil and I come up with the idea of recording it or taking pictures of them and make like a compilation of sorts. Something they can watch in private and look back on. We took inspiration from another youtuber who collected bits of vlogs and not put music behind it. Then they put them all together, kinda like a fan edit, but not.

Some videos we recorded was on them cuddling on the sofa in the Star Bar. Neil recorded one where Joe crept up on Dianne and scared the living daylights out of her. Later, Dianne tried getting her payback but failing miserably. Joe is too quick for her and he was already on prank alert. Neil was brilliant at catching those ones. It was like he could smell a prank coming on.

Back to the present, I shouted, "JOE SUGG?" but there wasn't any response.

"He went to his dressing room, Stace," Amy said. I thanked her in reply.

"Hey Babes. You alright?" He shrugged in response.

"There hasn't been a single run through of the waltz that Dianne has been pleased with. I just can't get my head around it." I smiled at the way he pronounced 'can't.' "And Dianne is so upset with me right now. I don't know what to do." He swept his hair to the side, a nervous habit.

"Her opinion really matters to you, don't it, babes?" I bet he was already in love with her.

"Of course it does." It was as if he was thinking, Duh, I love her. I honestly couldn't describe the expression on his face in any other way than a lightbulb moment. If I hadn't been such a big Joanne shipper, that look would have been laughable. One thing I knew for sure was that he needed to be alone with his girl. I think it might be time to find Neil and reunite our favourite couple.

"Do you know what really helps me?"

"What's that?"

"Meditation. It really helps me get into the zone. My mum swears by it."

"I'll try that out." I got up to leave and just as I got to the door, I heard, "Love ya, Sis."

"Not as much as you love Lady Di." I winked at him as he blushed scarlet.


After doing my own camera block through I made my way to the Star Bar and saw Joe showing Dianne something on his phone. He had his arm behind her on the sofa and they were both crying with laughter. Dr. Ranj came over to us and showed us his recording. "Oh you little legend here. Come 'ere." I kissed him on his cheek. "Can you send that over to us?"

"Here you go." He passed his phone and went over to the buffet table, helping himself to some cake.

"D'you reckon they're gonna cry when they watch it?" I asked Neil when I sent him Ranj's file.

"Yup. Definitely."

"We've still got a long way to go though."

"Potentially 8 more weeks."

"Oh come on. As if they won't get to the final. As if they're not gonna win."

"Do you think we should include the sad bits?"

"I think we should."

The two of them appeared as if from nowhere, and Joe with a suspicious look on his face. He knew we were up to no good, and he was determined to find out what.

"You two are thick as thieves, you know," Joe said, shaking his head.

"We can say the same about you too, Joanne!" Neil said in our defense.

"You're up to something, and it involves us. Come on. Spill," Joe said and I raised my eyebrows. He knew instantly what I was thinking about.

He shot me a look that said, You wouldn't dare.

I shrugged. True.

He looked over at Dianne as if to say, Dianne doesn't know.

Just as I was going to say, Well, what are you waiting for?! Dianne said, "Hey, I thought girlfriends and boyfriends were supposed to have those kinds of conversations!" She said it in a joking way, but I could detect some jealousy there.

I whispered right into her ears, "Don't worry, Babes. He's all yours."

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