"Are we boring you, Fanny? I hate to keep you from something better." I quipped, rubbing my stomach. Fanny whipped her head to look at me, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"No, Ma'am. Thank you for excusing me, Ma'am." Fanny all but hissed before scurrying from the room. I looked at Sarah and Annie, but they shrugged, eating their food.

"She fancies herself Mr. Daniel's secret love, or something like that." Sarah mumbled. "Mr. Daniel and Mr. Aaron took her from a horrid situation. She was living in a work house, something awful sinful. Their uncle was prosecuting him on some labor laws he was violating. Mr. Daniel took her into the household, and she's been smitten ever since."

I glanced up at the girls. I wasn't truly accustomed to the English, but one thing I knew was that mingling of that sort wasn't always taken kindly. Was Mr. Daniel just keeping her here because he fancied her? If so, he should have asked to marry her by now.

"Does Mr. Daniel care for her in the same way? It'd be awfully rude of him to string her along for so long." I commented, taking a slow bite of food. Annie snorted, placing her plate on the desk.

"Unfortunately for her, Mr. Daniel's heart is placed elsewhere. It's Mr. Aaron who is pinning away for her. But she's too blinded by her obsession with Mr. Daniel to notice." Annie smiled in my direction. "Their family has a habit of marrying outside of their status. It drives their friends mad, it does."

"Noted," I murmured, stroking my son's back. He was slowly starting to wake, grasping at my clothes with his fists. I knew he would be starving for lunch by now, but my back was killing me.

"Sarah, can you take Matthew? My back needs a rest." I whispered, peering down at my son's face. His bright eyes stared back at me, still blurred with sleep. Pressing a quick kiss to his forehead, I relinquished him to Sarah, who happily chatted away with him. Annie took my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"You're starting, aren't you?" She whispered. "I could call for Mr. Daniel and the Good Doctor, if you wish." I shook my head, leaning back into the chair.

"No, I'll be alright. She's not ready yet."

Annie nodded, staying with me for a bit longer. Soon, Sarah, Matthew and Annie left the study, leaving me to pick myself up. I rubbed my stomach slowly, imagining what my baby would be like. I prayed that she would be happy, that she'd become something great. I prayed that she'd marry well and that she'd live a long and happy life. Most importantly, I prayed that she never meets her father. I eventually pushed myself out of my chair and waddled out of the study. I needed to keep myself occupied. Fanny normally ruled the kitchen, claiming she knew what the Misters wanted. I wanted to cook so badly. To smell something of home for once. Fanny was reluctant, but finally allowed me to do so.

Sarah and Annie sat in the corners of the kitchen, helping me prepare something simple; a stew with as much seafood I could get my hands on. It wasn't the Craw or shrimp I craved, but it would do. With the right seasonings, anything in this country would taste good. I should know, I've been doing it for a while now. I had nearly finished it by the time Mr. Daniel and Mr. Aaron had arrived home from their day at work. I still wasn't entirely sure what their purpose was if they hadn't completed school, but they seemed proud when they came home. It felt refreshing to see their pride.

"Ms. Wilde, are you cooking?" Mr. Daniel called. Matthew grinned before running towards his friend. I heard Mr. Daniel grunt as he lifted my son into his arms.

"My, my, Matthew, you are getting quite heavy. That's very good!" He exclaimed, striding into the kitchen. "This meal smells marvelous, Ms. Wilde. Tell me, what is it?"

"Jambalaya," I murmured, taking a taste from my spoon. "Nearly done, if y'all want to head for the dining table. Annie and I will be out in a minute." Mr. Daniel peered at me with a watchful eye before leaving to join his cousin and Fanny in the dining room. I sighed in relief before buckling to the pain in my stomach. Annie and Sarah rushed to my aid, supporting most of my weight on their arms.

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