Chapter 21: Pulling Me Back

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There is an important message at the end of this chapter, so please if you can take your time and read it. Thank you!


"I still think you should've brought the crutches with you, or, at least used the pain medication," I say, knowing at some point he was going to regret not using the two things that could actually help him. He chuckles, keeping his eyes on the road as he drove.

"I also recall Dr. West telling you not to drive because of your leg." I was probably sounding annoying right now, telling him to stop doing this or he should do this, but I just didn't want to see him hurt. Again. I feel him place his hand on top of mine, giving it a light squeeze.

"Relax, I'm not dead." He tells me, and I roll my eyes.

"Well, you could've been." I felt myself being pushed over, as if someone had been pushing me to the side. I look up and see Drew had pulled over, the truck being put into park but the engine still on. Through the corner of my eye I see he had his arms crossed, a look of shock on his face.

I turn my whole body around, looking at him. "What?"

He doesn't say anything, he just opens his side door and jumps out, slamming the door behind him. I watch him as he leans against the truck, running a hand through his blonde hair. He looked frustrated, and I knew I was the cause of it. I open my own door, following his action I slam the door shut, catching his attention. I walk over to him, leaning against the truck. He doesn't give me a second glance after that, all he does is stare out at the at the lake before him. The only thing running through my mind was what happened earlier, though I knew it was just my mind playing tricks one me. Though, it felt so real.

My hand trails up to meet my hair, where my fingers slowly run through it, pushing my long bangs back, trying to relieve some of the stress that's been building up while the time passed by. All around me, all I saw was the long lake, a bunch of pine trees and very annoyed, very confused Drew Grayson. Past all the trees and lake stood high, forested mountains, covering most of that land scape beyond the highway and farther out. The sun was just barely noticeable, almost at it's highest peak as it broke above the mountains.

I look back at Drew, a frown present on his face as he stared out at the distance. I reach out, placing my hand on his shoulder trying to get his attention but all I do is piss him off. Angrily, he brushes my hand off his shoulder and steps away from me.

My eyes widen, "What's the hell is wrong with you?"

He turns his head looking at me, chuckling as if I just told a joke.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" He retorts, annoyed, his arms still crossed. My mouth hangs open as I stare at him in shock, did he really just say that?

Hurt I yell back, "Oh, excuse me for caring and wanting to make sure you're okay."

"Why? Why do you care? You're not my girlfriend. I don't need your help and I don't need you to take care of me. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself!" He shouts, turning away from me.

My heart drops into my stomach, and a sharp pain hits me right in the chest. The only way I could explain the pain was if I had just been shot, and I guess I had been shot. He shot me with the way he felt, taking his feelings and shooting me with them. Maybe he didn't need me. But, I do need him, and if he didn't need me here then fine, I'll just leave instead. Rage filled me as I walked away from him, turning my back and heading to my side of the truck. I open the door, the roar of the engine covering my huff of sadness that escaped through my lips as I grab my backpack and my old gym bag. My eyes begin to sting as tears welled up, ready to fall at any second. I slam the truck door close, a tear falling and sliding down my cheek from the hard force I had used to close the door.

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