chapter thirty-three

Start from the beginning

     “No.” He said, and her eyebrows raised so high The Man In White was surprised they were still a part of her head. “Excuse you?” She asked him, crossing her hands over her chest.

     “You heard me. I’m not leaving this room until you forgive me. Until you give me a second chance.”

     “Fine! Stay here. I’ll room with.. Noah!” She shouted. He would have grabbed Leila’s arm as she walked out the door, but she was obviously lying. She would never sleep in Noah’s bed. Especially considering he has a girlfriend. She was being childish. So instead, as she grabbed her phone and charger, him and his guitar made themselves comfertable on her bed.

     Leila was damn stubborn, so he was guessing he’d be there a while.



     Leila couldn’t believe he thought some song was going to fix everything. She also couldn’t believe he barged into my room like that. She could have been naked!

      She walked to Noah and Naomi’s castle. Leila wasn’t looking to talk to Noah, just Naomi. Whether they were human or not, they were still teenagers which meant they still have their drama.

     She finally reached their bedroom, and without seven knocking, she barged in. Luckily, they were both fully clothed.

     “Are you here to thank me?” Noah spoke first. He stood up from the bed with a smile on his face. Leila was beyond confused.

     “Thank you? For what?”

     “For helping The Man In White win you back.” He said, matter–of–factly. After those words sunk in, Leila’s eyes widened in a astonishment. Her hand reached forward, causing Noah to freeze in his spot. She then liften her hand up, and Noah’s body followed. Leila only ceased the action until his body was glued against the wall.

     “Woah, woah!” Naomi yelled, getting up from the bed herself and rushing over next to Leila. Instead of asking her why she was doing what she was, Noami looked up at Noah expectantly. “What did you do this time?”

     “What?! I didn’t do anything!” He protested.

     “The Man In White lied to me about his age after we had sex and Noah was trying to help him win me back.” Leila informed Naomi. Her eyes widened and she looked back up at Noah. Her hand lifted towards him, her palm open. Then, she began to slowly form a fist. Noah was now fidgeting and gasping for air. Then, Naomi dropped her hand. Noah began to gasp. Leila let him down.

     “What was that?” Leila asked, ignoring Noah who was on the floor clutching his chest. Naomi shook her head at Noah and smiled proudly at me. “Noah and I have been getting some new powers. We can kill people with our minds, make them faint, and now we can take the air away from their lungs.” She spoke slowly. She shrugged innocently. “I just decided I would try them out on my idiot boyfriend.” Even though he was mad at Noah, her eyes still twinkled at the use of the word ‘boyfriend.

     Leila laughed. “Well, The Man In White tried to serenade me, and when I denied forgiving him, he said he wouldn’t leave my room until I forgave him. So here I am.”

     “You can stay here as long as you want. Noah, get out.”

     “But where am I supposed to sleep?” He asked, still coughing.

     “I don’t care. Maybe you can room with The Man In White since you’re both such Einsteins.” Naomi told him rolling her eyes.

     “But—” Leila raised her hand in front of his face to stop the words he was probably going to regret saying. He shut his mouth, and gathered his things. Then he left.

     Naomi and Leila looked at each other, then smiled.


Really short but I wanted to update something so..

Song that The Man In White Sang; Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. I love him.

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Credits to my best friend, Irene (portrayed as Ira) for helping me pick a song.

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