Part 1: As kids

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Kid dust
Kid blue


I was walking for a wile. I was lost. I could hear something. It was scarry. I knew i wasnt in my world. I heard a twig snap behind me. I looked back but saw no one. I was scared. I ran. But as im running i look back. I see nuthing but then i run into something. No. Someone. I look up and see a skelington like me exept he is wareing a hoodie and has his hood up. I am afraid of him. I was scared of everything hear. "W-what? Why are you hear? This isnt the place for a kid like you! Why are you in horrortale!?" He said confused. 'Horrortale!?' I though. I was scared even more now. "Come with me i'll gey you out!" He reached his hand out for me to take. I didnt think befor i grabed it. My bandana was already gone and my blue gloves were destroyed. I had no strangth to fight some one. I didnr think of the posibity that he could kill me. He didnt though. He opend a portal and i closed my eyes. He pulled me to my feet and pulled me through the portal. "Ok. Open your eyes. I think you will like this place." I heard him say. I open my eyes to see a butiful place full of stars and light. "W-ware are we?" I ask. He laughs a little and i get a little scared. He was the only thing dank in the bright light. "This is dreemtale. It should be kind to you. Dreem is varry kind." He said. But yet i didnt want him to leave. When he opend anuther portal i emedatly grabed his arm. "W-wait!" I said my eyes closed as i held his sleave. I opend my eyes and his cheak bones were dusted with purple. His eyes were full of shock. "What?" He said confused. I looked down. "I dont know anyone hear... please... stay." I said. He lets out a small chuckle and rubs my head. I look up and try to see him. But his arm blocked the way. When he moved it i saw him smile. "Ah alright then. But only untill you get used to this place." He said and i smiled at him. He closed his portal. "Whats your name?" He asked me. I looked down. "M-my brother calls me... His berry... he says its cuz i look like a blueberry." He laughs. "I think i'll call you Bittyberry then. Cuz your so smal!" He says. I smile. "Ok then! And you?" I ask. He smiles and shrugs. "Call me D." He said. I laughed. "How about... D.D!" I said he laughed and shruged so i took it as a yes.


I was walking around dreamtale with little Bittyberry untill he stoped by the waterfall area. Onestly i didnt know why he wanted me around. I was dank in this bright place. He fit right in. He draged me behind one of the waterfalls to admire it. Then he started to hum. I looked at him. "Do you like to sing?" I asked him. He looked at me surprised and then noded shyly. I laughed. "So do i." I said. He smiled at me. "Well there is this one song i really like... would you wanna sing it?" He askes me. I smile and shrug. He takes it as a yes and starts to sing.


I'd fall anyware with you im by your side. Swinging in the air humming mel~odys
We're not going anyware untill we fre~ez
Im not afrade A~nymo~ore im not afrade
Forever is a long ti~ime
But i~i, wouldnt mind spending it by~y your si~ide
Carfuly we're placed for our des~tinys
You came and you took the sun
And set it fre~e
Everyware you is so wonderful
To me im torn
Im torn to be right ware you are
Im not afrade a~nymo~ore im not afra~aid
Forever is a long ti~ime
But i~i, wouldn't mind spending it by~y your si~ide
Tell me
I get to wake up to tha~at, smile, i wouldn't mind it
At all
I wouldnt mind it a~at al~l

End song

"Y-you know that one to?" He asked me. I looked down i could tell he was watching me. "Yeah... i do" i said. He then randomly gave me a hug!? "Huh!? Whats this for!?" I asked shicked. He laughed. "Can we be freinds!?" He asked and i shruged but this time i talked with it. "Sure why not." I said. He giggled and huged me tighter. It took me a second to ajust to it but then huged him back. "Yay! Im soo happy!" He said. When he lets me go he grabs my hand and pulls me out from behind the waterfall. He pulls me away to explore more. "Hey, why dont we meet there?" I said and he stoped. Then he looked at me and smiled. "Every day! Okie!" He said. I smiled and then shruged. He smiled again and started to pull me again. I simply fowlowed.

3rd pov

The two skelingtons met in the same spot behind the same watterfall. But one day after menny years D.D didnt come back. So Bittyberry didnt ether. Untill one day-----


((also please check out our uoutube chanle! 'Ansis And AUs React' and have fun!!!))

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