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the song 'act up by city girls' was blowing up all over the internet. it was being played every where by all genders, men loved to blast it the most. everyone believed that it was going to be the summer song for 2019.

nick and edwin had the song on repeat playing through their speakers all of yesterday. there was no way any of their friends would escape the song.

savanna was the only girl in the house at the moment. ansley went to babysit, so she left super early for work. maggie was in cabo with denzel and ricky. and izzy was making a video with neviah for youtube at his house. this left her with all the boys; which she didn't mind but it caused her to be very bored, because the boys usually stay in their rooms and make music, or they're sleeping like zion.

it's 11 o'clock in the morning and she was bored out of her mind. she had been up since 9:30am eating, walking and playing with the dogs, on social media, and even cleaning up the boys house.

savanna was sitting on the toilet when she came up with a brilliant idea to pass her time. at this point, she had so much energy and decided to dance it out.

she gets off the toilet and washes her hands, then dries them quickly because of how excited she is. she then puts down the toilet seat and takes a sit on it while she waits for the app triller to download. savanna already had her song set and ready. act up had been stuck in her head all day. the only way to get it out is by listening to it. the only way she'll stay not bored is by making trillers, so it was a two in one situation.

once savanna finds a good angle, she presses start and the music starts playing. for the first video she's just rapping the verse with so much energy. by the time she was done with just that take she was outta breath already from the yelling and rapping.

zion has just woken to no one beside him, as for his is girlfriend who had slept over wasn't in bed with him anymore.

he reaches over to his phone to check the time, scrolling through instagram, and texting people back.

as his body adjusts to waking up, his ears hear his girlfriend being loud. wondering where she's at and what the hell she is doing, he gets up and walks out of his room to see all the commotion she's causing. he gets closer to the noise and realizes that she's rapping along with act up. he rolls his eyes and continues walking up to the bathroom door.

zion was so tired of the song. not because it sucked but because it's all he heard playing through the house nowadays. he was tired of it overall.

savanna was now on her third take for her triller and breathing heavily out loud, "why is this such a workout, the fuck?", she says to herself.

zion hears her and opens the door just staring at her, loving the fact that she's struggling with breathing because she was only rapping and jumping. she knows how the boys and i feel now he thought to himself.

"what are you doing, weirdo?", he asks while laughing at her bent over by the sink.

she looks up at him smiling, "i'm making a triller...and WHEW bitch i'm tired already, how do y'all do this shit?", laughing along with him.

savanna then returns her attention to her phone and presses the record button. the countdown goes down to 0 and the music starts to play again. zion watches in the door frame as she faces the camera still bent over the sink. he smiles at her tiredness. she's too tired to do anything that savanna raps the words and sways to the beat lowkey. he found it cute how she was singing into the camera. it was the little things he saw and fell in love with.

once it finishes, zion makes his way around her and smacks her ass as he walks to use the restroom. "ow zion, i'm wearing leggings and the material ain't thick enough to not make that shit not hurt", she turns towards him while rubbing her ass.

"but that ass thicc though", he responds while looking at her through the mirror with his mouth open to stick out his tongue, "with two c's too baby!", and smacks her ass again.

savanna quickly turns to swing at him, but he dodges her swing, "fuckin quit it. that shit hurt"

zion goes to take a piss and then wash his hands. savanna presses the record button again as he dries his hands beside the sink. zion hears the countdown and quickly gets into the frame with her.

they're both dancing and rapping along with the same hyped energy she had going on in the other takes. they both turn to each other and smile, getting into each other's face to rap along with the song. zion then pulls her waist so her back is on his chest and they sway side to side to the beat the last few seconds. once the take ends, zion still has one arm hooked around her waist as she presses the record button again.

as the countdown starts for the sixth time, zion moves behind her and pushes his hand gently down on her back so she is bent over again over the sink. savanna obviously gets the memo and begins to twerk on him to the song.

he then holds onto her waist and starts to dramatically yike with her, moving side to side. zion then begins to pound his front into her butt causing savanna to laugh uncontrollably. she then becomes off balance from how hard he was hitting her and hit her forehead against the phone, causing it to drop to the floor.

zion immediately stops and turns around to catch his breath from laughing. he then leans on the wall with his head up laughing so hard at what just happened.

savanna reaches down to grab her phone and the music was still playing. she just looked into the camera laughing for the last few seconds and pressed shuffle on the app.

as they wait for the video to load, they're both laughing at how stupid they are together. it was moments like this that they both cherished. it was a stupid moment but it was sure as hell funny and memorable to the both of them.

"oh my fucking god that was hilarious as fuck!" zion says still tryna catch his breath. he begins to hit his thigh from how funny it was, "your big fore-headed ass dr-dropped your p-phone" laughing hard again as the visual replayed in his head.

a laughing savanna takes a seat facing zion on the ground, "bitch y-you was pounding into me so damn hard, i flew forward and knocked that shit down!"

they both began to laugh loud again, which caused edwin to walk into the bathroom and look at them questionably.

"what to heck is happening in here?", edwin asks.

they're tryna catch their breath, so savanna jus hands him the phone and stands back up as he looks at it.

edwin begins to laugh as the phone drops and the phone is just facing the ceiling for three seconds, till savanna comes into the frame with a red face from laughing.

"y'all so damn stupid i swear y'all was made for each other", he says laughing at them, "post that vano!"

"you bet my ass i'm posting that if she isn't! that shit was fuckin hilarious bruh", zion replies.

edwin then walks out of the bathroom still laughing at their stupidity, and closes the door behind him.

"lemme see babe", zion says as he gets up to stand next to her.

they watch the video together and at the end they both look at each other with big smiles on their face. after a few seconds of just the smiling, they laugh uncontrollably again and post the video.


yello peeps,

if ya read this, fomo starts in about nine days which is fuckin wild as hell holy crap bc i meet them and im so fuckin nervous EEK...anyways i was inspired by this video this couple made and i cant find it anymore ://


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