My Star

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In my world of stark darkness,
There is a bright and brilliant star,
Whose hope is brighter than daylight,
And whose light is my guide on a moonless night.

Even if the world were to tear apart,
And the sky was to fall upon the ground,
That star would still be there for me,
No matter what befell upon me.

My shattered and bleeding heart,
Whose wounds go deep to the core,
Would be healed by my bright star,
Like as though it was never there.

The emotions which overtook me
Into the stormy sea,
Would find eventual calm winds,
Caused by my beautiful star.

Never would she say a word,
Nor would she utter a whisper,
But I would understand her silence,
As though it was a part of me.

I had never dwelled in her,
But she had always dwelt in me,
She had always known me,
But I had never known her.

And when I got to know her,
The one with words as silent as the sea,
I never found myself empty except for one that I have to say -
Thank you dear star for making me find love, hope, and joy in life.

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