"I did not give him a tranq dart," Caitlin says.

"Okay, no, yes, not you, the you from the time that I am from," I try to explain, unaware to Thawne's exaggerated gestures to get me to stop.

"The- the time that you are from?" Liv asks.

"I think what he's trying to say is he's from the future," Thawne says.

"The future?" Young Barry and Liv ask in unison.

"Yeah," Thawne answers.

"The future?" They ask again.


"Wait, the future?" Barry asks for a third time.


"Are we saying I can time-travel?" He asks me.

"One day," I chuckle.

I look at Liv when she sighs loudly. "Ok, that makes me feel much better. I didn't kiss a random stranger," She says happily.

"Kiss?!" Thawne and Cisco ask as Caitlin raises a brow at the girl.

"It's a... long story," Liv and Young Barry say in unison and share a look, making me smile.

"Can we move on? Time travel!! Remember?" Liv asks.

"Oh, that explains the white on the symbol," Cisco says. "Well, wait a second. Suppose we now change your emblem. Will it be because we got the idea from this? Or, I mean, that would mean..."

"Stop talking," Harry tells Cisco then turns to me. "You stop talking too, all right? More you say, the more the timeline is disrupted. Now I'm going to assume that your presence here is the reason that thing is attacking us."

"What? What thing?" Young Barry asks.

"Have you ever seen "The Frighteners"?" Cisco asks and Young Barry nods. "It's sort of like that, but scarier and faster and it's after you... after him."

"Yeah, it's been chasing me ever since I got here," I say.

"Okay, so how do we stop it?" Young Barry asks.

"We... don't know," Liv says.

"Then what are we gonna do?" Young Barry asks.

"The one thing we can," Thawne says leaving, me following him.


"What? What are we doing here?" I ask, looking around the Time Vault.

"We're here for the answer to your speed equation... the reason that you traveled back to this time, and the key to running faster," He says inserting a flash drive into his computer. "Tachyon enhancement."

"This was not the deal," I say.

"If you think that I'm gonna hold your hand this entire way, you're sadly mistaken. Everything you need is on this drive. You follow its instructions, you will enhance the Speed Force in your system and run faster... than you ever thought possible," He says.

Surrender: The Flash (2)Where stories live. Discover now