Preference 1

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When they first see you

●Once you walked he thought you were an angel.

●When you talked to Dean you would have to say his name a couple of times.

●He stares at you through the whole time you're there.

●Uses a bunch of pick up lines.

●Begs you to come again.

●Ask for your number

●Stops what he was doing with Dean and stares at you once you walk in.

●Sits beside you after Dean non-stop teases him.

●Buys you a few drinks since you two were at a bar.

●Flirts with you slot but mostly watches your every move.

●Ask for your number and gives you his.

●Has feelings he doesn't understand.

●Is awkward.......THE WHOLE TIME!

●Constantly staring.

●Never says a word to you until you ask for his number.

●Is spoken by surprise when you come into the hotel room with Sam and Dean.

●Never stops looking at you.

●Talks to you alot.

●Ignores Sam and Dean.

●Walks you home

●Asks for your number

●Feels like Castiel

●Never stops staring

●Is a gental man to you the whole night.

●Walks you to your car when you leave

●You asked him for his number.

●Flirts with you.

●Calling you pet names: Sweetheart, Doll, Darling, Hot Stuff, Sparkle

●Ask you for you address but you give him your phone number first.

●Slaps your ass when you leave.

●Says he's in love.

●When the song ' My Heart Will Go On' plays he lip sings it to you.

●Is corny the whole night.

●Says real cheesy pick up lines.

●Never stops saying you're beautiful.

●Ask for your number.

●Even kisses you goodbye (on the cheek. He's not wanting to move that fast)

●Acts like a jerk

●Stares at you

●Does ask for your number

●You think he was playing.

●Wrote his number on your arm

Calls you love and darling

●Acts like you're blinding him from being so beautiful

●Ask for you number.

Yes, it is short but like I said this is new for me. If you want a preference or imagine please comment or message me. Also you can follow me on here. I have no followers because none of my actually friends have this app. Also comment if you don't like this and tell me what I did wrong. I have never done this so bare with me. Thanks for reading.


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