Confessions and Conjunctions

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The post sex haze held Harry in its warm cocoon for a long time, and he was content just to hold close to his lover, listening to his breathing as he too wandered in his own mind. Yet, neither man seemed ready to fall asleep. From his position spooned around his lover, Harry was watching the very cusp of his profile, and it told him that Draco was far from dropping off. They were both drowsy, but for himself, his mind would not stop working, and from little shifts that Draco was making in his arms, he could feel the same from his lover. Harry's mind ran over the conclusions he had come to about his feelings for this man, about the love that he hadn't the first idea how to express in words. Draco was not an easy person to assess, he had levels within levels, and his lover had to admit to himself that he was afraid of the blond man's rejection. So, instead of fighting for words, Harry kissed the pale shoulder closest to his face. Draco reacted to the new movement instantly with a light murmur of appreciation and Harry smiled to himself. Yet, he wasn't after more sex, so he continued the re-engagement by stroking a finger over the area which he had just dampened with his lips, and began, "So, I've told you about my day, what made yours good and bad?"

Draco rolled half on to his side into his partner, and his face showed mild surprise at the question as he glanced across. However, his lips broke into a smile as he observed, "Way to change the subject."

Harry shrugged, ignoring the ghost that talking about reality brought to his companion's gaze. He had not asked the question lightly, something inside him needed to know what Draco was unwilling to share. He had confessed his own weaknesses, and he needed Draco's trust in return. He wasn't above some manipulation to get his answers, and he followed a mischievous instinct which saw his hand run rapidly down under the covers over Draco's hip and rest there, stroking. The blond man purred in response, his eyes closed and he relaxed against the other body. Harry pursued his open quarry again.

"Just a pause," he whispered, and let his breath run over Draco's ear as his fingers slid around his lover's thigh and brushed the more sensitive flesh inside.

The blond man shivered and let out a long breath as Harry caressed his leg.


"Mmm," was the only response.

For a moment, Harry thought Draco was going to ignore him, but his disappointment was thwarted by the opening of his lover's eyes, and he returned directly, "Well, Pomfrey has been letting me know she disapproves of me all day. I'm a corruptor of the innocent."

Harry snorted, but confirmed, "Poppy said that?"

"Not in so many words," Draco responded, wrinkling his nose, "but if her body language was anything to go by, I should return to the pit of hell from which I came."

"She's not very difficult to pacify," Harry advised, kissing the front of his lover's shoulder this time.

"So you say!" Draco objected, shifting away from the caress huffily.

"A little courtesy." Harry drew his hand up his lover's thigh; Draco stopped moving. "Humility." He kissed again and slid his fingers down between his legs and then up over the sensitive area behind Draco's balls; the reaction was a deep groan and his partner shifted fully onto his back. "And obedience." He finished by dragging his nails delicately up over everything to which Draco gave him access.

The blond man drew in a fast breath, and his sound was strangled as he tried to object, "Can I help it if I've developed a problem with authority?"

"But this authority is here to help you," Harry replied boldly and leant over his lover to reach his lips.

Yet Harry knew he'd said something wrong as a hand stopped him. Draco was frowning as he looked down on him, and the doubt in his eyes said everything.

Revelations of Love - Moment by Moment Book #3 (Harry Potter, Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now