The first day of Hogwarts

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When I woke up I checked the time, it was 5:00 a.m., so I just got up and got dressed . I also, I was glad I got up early because I did not want them to see my scars, burns, and burises. I was always nevous about them and people finding out. A few hours later Draco got up and asked how long was I up and I lied and said 10 minutes. He said ok, and got dressed and had his showered. I felt bad for lieing but knew it for the better, I didn't want anybody to find out. After Draco got ready I asked him if could I ask him some questions, he said yes, so I asked him what did the hat mean when he said that this was the house for me esapeally since I could talk to snakes.


I got ready and then my friend Harry asked me if he could ask a question, I said of course yes. He then told me how the hat told him this house espeacialy good for him because he could talk to snakes. I was amazed my friend could do something only one other could do but I was so surprised, I proberly sat there for a few minutes. Then I told him that only the dark lord could do this and the founder of this house Salazar Slytherin could. So he has an ablitiy that hardly no one else dose.


I was amazed at what he told me I was so surpised at what I just heard, but also, sad because now I had something else to make me more of a freak. I didn't let it show that I was sort of sad at the news. Then Blaise came down and we went the great hall for breakfest, I was not hungry but I ate a piece of toast and a glass of pumkin juice. They looked at me funny and asked if I was going to eat more and I said no and they said I needed to if I want to catch up to them in growth. Then I said I will, I just wasn't hungry. I think they might be getting suspicious , but I didn't know. Anyway I was still wondering about what the hat said "You can trust them with anything." I just don't know yet and I am kind of scare to. After thinking awhile I heard them calling my name and Pansy I think it was ask was I ok . I said "yeah just thinking", and they said ok, and also this is your scheled. I notice first was potions I looking forward to this. After a few minutes they said we better go or we'll be late. I went with them and almost all the Gryffindor lost points for being late. We then started to make our potions, it was just like cooking, and it was easy so when profesor came around I got an or O or outstanding that I learn that was how they grade here.

We had Charms next, the teacher was a short man , almost like an elf. We were turning a toothpick into a nail. I thought that it was going to be hard but on my first try got it and i got our house 50 points and an O or Outsanding for the day and was dismissed till next class. I asked him if I could say and he said yes I could so I helped my friends, Draco, and Blaise. I just had to adjsut their movements and they got it just fine, I notice the mudblood staring at me just like in Potions it seems like she doesn't like me for an reason, oh did I forget to mention that this class was with the stpuid Griffindors.

Then me and my friends when to the great hall for lunch, and I still wasn't hungry and I knew I had to eat or they would get real suspicious if I didn't eat so I ate a slice of an apple, and all I could eat. They then asked why was I not eating anymore and I said I wasn't hungry.

Up next we Trafigurations and guess who we had it with the STUPID griffindors. I really hate them and all their glares and looks they give me, for real its annoying. I really wish they would stop cause i'm about to explode on them if they don't stop. All we did in Transfiguratinon was talk about it and figured this would be easy to so I didn'y worry, but half way in the class Weasel came( Ron) in the class saying he got lost and only got 5 points taken away. I told Draco that it wasn't fair that we would of proberly got dention and 20 Point taken, and he said yeah and that she was Head of Griffindor so she is more lenite toward them.

After that we went down to the dungen and did all our homework. After Blaise and Draco was done I asked them could they tell me all about wizard customs and other stuff. He then asked why, you don't know them. I said no I don't I live with muggles and Mumbled horriable ones to, I don't think they heard that though.


I jsut sat their awhile after my new best friend told me about that he lived with muggles, and said somehting else that no one could hear, so I ignored it, I was so shocked I almost forgot to answer, but then said ok I will tell you everything.


I waited awhile and he didn't answer, I was about to leave and he said Ok I will tell you everything, I was so happy I huged him. He with blaise told me everything, I was shocked at all the customs.(SORRY DON'T FEEL LIKE PUTING THEM DOWN)

The a few hours later we were told to go to bed, and I felt good for once cause I had a really good day and I was glad I was here, not at my relatives. I can't wait till tomorrow to see what happens. Today was so eventful but it was also the best day I have ever had. 


Harry then fell asleep peacefully think about his first day at Hogwarts but failed to turn towards the wall so if his shirt showed his back no one would notice.  

* Get ready for the next chapter to see if Harry's secret is found out sorry if the first two chapters aren't that good I started them like 5 years ago. Then decided to post them on here I'm trying to edit them and continue them so thanks for putting up with them in advance. 

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