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I wish you were here for me, just like when I was there for you


Climbing the ladder that leads to the roof was harder than she thought, obviously when carrying a bag full of things didn't help that. Arriving there, just as the snow started to slowly fall from the sky, hurriedly she went over to a rope tied to a pole and untied it, making an improvised roof, for her and for the animals that were looking for a safe place to stay.

Taking two candles from out of her bag she lighted them up. Taking a book full of poems out of her bag, you could see the pages that were marked, they were her favorite ones and the ones she used when there was no inspiration left inside her mind.

Taking a small notebook and a pencil case she opened it,  doodling something that looked like a girl on top of a dragon she stayed like that, doing and re-doing lines, for what felt like an eternity.

As the light of the candles started dying, she picked her phone up, and with the bright screen hitting her face she could read on the digital clock, 1 am. It was already way past the time she usually goes to sleep and that took a toll on her body. Stretching her legs from the criss-cross position, she picked all of the things that were scrambled all over the floor, and carefully removed the small bird that chose to sleep on top of her bag, putting it close to the brazier she quickly went back inside.

She made her way down the ladder carefully as to not slip. She went towards her room. Putting her stuff on top of the table at the corner of the bedroom, she started walking toward the bathroom, in the way picking some over-sized shirt, a pair of underwear and comfortable shorts.

Getting inside there she turned on the hot water, only the hot water. People always asked her about how she could take a shower with such a hot water and how that was bad for her skin and things like that, but it is not like she cared at all.

Middle way trough her shower, she felt a pain in her hearth and the feeling something was wrong. Sadness washed over her like it was the water coming out of the shower, hitting her heart as if they were knives stabbing it. Loneliness, is a disease that can't just be cured by being accustomed with being alone.

No one knew that better than the she, the one whose nights were spent crying in the shower, feeling so empty the only thing she could do was let the tears flow and mix themselves with the water. It made her angry. She missed him! Missed him so much, yet knew that those were nothing but her feelings. There was nothing that could be done.

He had gotten a new girlfriend, she had short blond hair and green eyes. The opposite of her, long black hair with dark blue eyes. It is at those time she is crying in the bathroom floor that she asks herself, what went wrong and how she could've had done better so that that wouldn't've had happened.

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