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I would kill myself for you


Looking out of the window, watching the tall grass swing back and forth with the warm summer breeze, was something she would never get tired of. For her, at least, it showed how much you could try to change, but, in the end you would still be the same after the wind goes away.

Observing the early morning sky it was possible to see birds flying around. They flew as if the heavens where were they belonged. Their wings going up and down as if the clouds embraced them in the skies. Getting her eyes off the birds for a moment, she saw the book from last night, it was still open on the page she fell asleep reading. A book with a charming title yet with such a dark story, it captured her love in a way that not even her ex would come to mind when reading it. But, for now, she couldn't find the will to continue reading, so she just got back to watching the birds fly. As the sun continued to rise, she too got up. 

'It will pass' she though to herself, refusing to awknoledge the numbness of her legs.

Living alone can be so lonely sometimes, but, not everything is so bad, were her tougths as she made her trip downstairs. Arriving at the kitchen, she went straight to the freezer. 

She searched for the chocolate ice cream she had bought the other day, finding it, not even bothering to pick something to put it into, she took a spoon, some random shorts that were on the living room and walked outside with the ice cream tub in her hand, eating out of it. 

The sun shining on it made some melt and that, in her opinion, only made it even better to. Eating ice cream in a grass field under the sun while wild bunnies come to lay down beside you, only if that was a reality.

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