
Start from the beginning

I gesture for him to introduce himself and he takes a deep breath before walking up to the boy.

"I-I'm Izuku Midoriya." He holds out his hand for Kirishima to shake.

"Uh, Kirishima, Eijiro Kirishima." They shake hands awkwardly.

"What are you doing with Kirishima half and half. You better watch it before I yeet drop kick you out of here." He warns.

You guessed it, Bakugo arrived.

"Oh! I just met Midoriya!"

Bakugo's face gets pale.

"What Todoroki, can't get an actual person so you're dating this thing?" He sneers.

You can barely tell he's scared.

"Actually." Midoriya hovers to where Bakugo is standing.

Bakugo is barely able to hold his posture as Midoriya gets closer.

"I choose to hang out with Todoroki. He doesn't bully me and tell me my dreams will never come true. He doesn't hurt me, and most of all, he doesn't tell me to jump off a building!" He loses his temper.


Did I hear that last part correctly? Is Katsuki Bakugo really the reason Izuku Midoriya died?

Hold the frickety flap guy named Jack sister snap slap fatty pack up.

Did Midoriya do what Bakugo said?

He turns to look at me, "I'll explain everything when we get out of here."

I nod once and grab Midoriya's shoulder, guiding him away from the stunned explosion and rock men.


We end up at a deserted part of the park, the perfect place to talk this out.

(We finna bend all of society's rules later)

"So...did Bakugo actually tell you to jump off the roof?" I look at him seriously.

"Well actually, his words were, 'Why don't you go take a swan dive off the roof the the building?' but I'll explain.


(This won't be 100% accurate)
Izuku POV

"You'll never be able to hang with the best of the best!"

"You'll die in the entrance exams!"

He said all this before grabbing my notebook and blowing it up using his quirk. He then threw it out the window.

"NO!" I yell.

We end up outside, me, Bakugo (who Izuku also calls Kacchan), and his clones.

"Why don't you do us all a favor and take a Swan Dive off the roof." He walks away snickering.

"I can't believe my journal became fish food..." I mutter, picking up my broken dreams.

"You can't just go around telling people to kill themselves."

End Of Flashback.

"That was...deep." I look at the boy in front of me. "Can you tell me your death story now? I'll tell my story about the scar as well."

The boy nods and tells his story.

Flashback in Izuku POV again.

There, on top of the Toranomon Hills, the highest building in Tokyo, I could see the whole city beneath me.

There was a nice breeze. Maybe Earth saying it's ready for me.

I'm ready to jump and land in nothingness. I'm ready to give it all away. I'm ready.

I extend my right foot because I have less balance, and fall.




Into the nothingness.

I hear multiple cracks and feel excruciating pain when I hit the ground.

The pain's quickly gone.

And so am I.

As my soul left my body, I saw swarms of people around me, paramedics, random by passers, all surrounded me as I drifted upwards into nothingness.

I saw blood everywhere. I had a cracked skull and broke all my bones (as if he doesn't do that in the series enough).

And I wandered, until the street was gone, as well as the pain.

End of Flashback.

Back to Todoroki POV

"Wow." I can't think of anything to say.

"Yeah...How'd you get your scar?"

Thank All Might Midoriya's a good subject changer.


Flashback in Todoroki POV

(All this flashbacking is too much work  😂)

I walk into the kitchen, looking for a glass of water.

"I want to run away, I can't bother seeing his left side..." I knew she was talking about me.

I was the only 'half and half' out of all 4 of us.

My mother turns around, widening her eyes in shock when she realizes I'm there.


I'm guessing she panics, because the next thing I know, a teapot full of boiling water is hitting my face.

It burns, and I run to my sister's room. She wrapped it for me carefully, everyday for a month.

After I took the bandage off, a scar had taken the place of my eye.

End of Flashback.

"It's not as intense. But still, you're own mom?" The boy looks at me and I nod.

"Yep." I notice it's starting to get dark.

Midoriya's eyes follow mine to the sky.

He looks at me sadly.

"Looks like I have to go back to the closet, if we stay out any longer, you'll probably loose me!"

I smile a bit.

(Todoroki? Smiling? Wow!)

Midoriya and I stand up before walking back to the school, where I leave him at the front doors and sadly watch him float through the door.

Why can't I watch him go?

Yo. Sucky author here.

That's Todoroki in the picture at the top btw.

I have no idea what to put besides I know this chapter was lengthy with a lot of flashbacks, but I hope you enjoyed anyway  😅

k, bye.

Word count: 1331

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