Meeting The Family

Start from the beginning

Embarrassed, I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose to stop me from talking any farther, "What I meant to say was.." I start slowly, "..I'm happy you're here,..but can you tell my why," I look up scarcely feeling stinging on my nose because of my sharp fingernails.

Aiden watches me with a smirk and humor that makes his eyes swirl. "I suppose you can't always be as swift with words as you were yesterday..." his comment makes my face burn. I glare at the ground, "Audrey?" he asks and seems to glide on his feet to me. "I hadn't meant it like that...." his voice is  sincere. All while making my flesh burn with his closeness.

I smile at the ground and take a step back still watching him, "Come in if you have to then," I say and turn around still trying to force the grin away with no succession. "So, why did you come?" I ask folding my legs under me as sit on the couch. I pat the seat next to me, inviting the object of my nightmare to make himself comfortable.

"My cult was not pleased with my not bringing you to our home yesterday. They all wanted to meet you,"

"Why me? What's a little human to them?" I ask using the term my nightmare used.

"Because you are not a little human to me, and it seems, despite my efforts, you have crossed to many paths with beings not of your race. There is nothing more now than to protect you until..." Aiden trails away like it's to difficult to think about. Silence fills the void between us, it's soothing and ecstatic all the same until Cody's barks to go out makes me jump.

I grumble under my breath and walk to him, he paws at the back door. When I open the door he bolts out of the room and runs to mess up the newly fallen snow, I laugh at him and return to Aiden. He still sits on the couch and waits for my return, I come up behind him and cover his eyes, Aiden's hands fly to my wrists and I uncover his eyes with a startled gasp.

His cool hands are firm on my arms, holding me in one spot, "I don't find those games amusing, Audrey," he tells me in a calm monotone voice.

"Okay, sorry," I say and walk around to the front of the couch and sit next to him, I watch his lips turn into a small smirk.

"It's quite alright Audrey. You had no way of knowing."

I look at him for a moment, "So what did you say you wanted? Was there a reason? I forgot..." I trail away.

"Ah yes,... I ask if you would want to come and meet my cult. Although they would understand if you feel uncomfortable around them," Aiden says politely, though I can see him pleading with his eyes for me to come. I smirk at him,"Sure."

Aiden smiles. I swallow hard, his ghost white skin doesn't wrinkle in the slightest, his teeth and eyes sparkle, his coffee color hair plays around his forehead. I glance to the floor, back to his face and them down to my clothes, I frown at them. He had obviously dressed up for me, "Yeah, I mean why not. Just let me put on something know... Nicer," I say and run lightly on the balls of my feet to my room and bounce quickly to my dresser.

I pull out sweaters and T-shirts, grumbling about not having done any laundry and no long sleeve shirts to go out in my punishment for procrastination. Finally, gracefully I find a shirt with a white midsection and gray sleeves, throwing it together with a pair of dark jeans. Pulling on mismatched socks and tennis shoes I brush out the permanent curls quickly and roughly then turn to the door.

Once I get to the end of the hall, just enough to peak around and see him sitting there, I stop abruptly. My heart hammers against my chest wildly trying to escape the containing ribs, I suck in a deep breath and let it out slowly trying to let him know it's alright. 'I got this. Just walk. Come on dumb legs, just work!' I scream silently in my head while I bite my lip and curl my toes to remember how to use them.

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