Play Time

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She runs at full speed to a vanity and carries all of it's contents to the middle of the floor, then to her closet and brings clothes that couldn't fit in my closet because they are so fluffy. Her round up is over before I can take in her classically girly pink and purple walls covered in castle and fairy stickers, the bed would be normal if it didn't have a net hooked over it to make it into a secret chamber only big enough for three at most.

The little girl motions us to sit down, I sit on the outside and Aiden next to me with Marie on the opposite side of him. Annie claps her hands together rapidly, "I get to do Audrey's make-up, Audrey will do Daddy's then Daddy you do Marie's then Marie can do mine!" she declares and so it was.

As Annie tackled my lips with lipstick and eyes with eye-shadow, Marie turns Aiden's attention to her and carefully tells him what and where then he does the other side with more confidence. Finally as Annie decrees me finished I rotate towards Aiden and Marie to Annie.

I grin as I pick up a Loreal Paris lipstick I gape at it, "What? You little- This is more expensive than I use, how is that fair?" I ask and she giggles and shrugs so she won't mess up Marie's fine brushing over her eyes.

Pouting I turn back to Aiden with the reddest stick I could pick out of the hoard. "You haven't questioned me about her," he whispers forcing my hand to move down his chin.

I wipe away the line on his chin and shrug, "I would say I haven't had the chance, but the thought never really crossed my mind. Though I do have a theory that I hope is wrong." I whisper back to him keeping my face static in concentration.

"What is your theory?"

"You had her with a woman before you were changed and she was caught in the cross fire of your father when he changed you." I pause thinking how I would feel if that was the case, "Please tell me I'm wrong," I tell him and he nods as I pick up the eye shadow.

"Yes, you are wrong, though let's talk about it somewhere else." I nod and apply the rust red on his lids.

I let out a descrete sigh of relief, but curiosity stirrs in my stomach making it ache. Marie finishes Annie's make-up and now she says everyone has to try on an outfit, "Except Daddy of course," she explains,"I don't want him stretching anything out." Annie giggles and relief marks Aiden's face plainly.

Annie forces Aiden to stand in the closet as we change, she refused to let him go out into the hall. It is very clear she has him wrapped around her little finger because he sighs and walks into the closet. I snicker quietly with Maire as we change into the outfits Annie insisted that we try.

She squeals when I finish zipping the dress up the only one I would mind wearing, it is a red and tight fitting that shapes me well. "Oh you look very, very pretty, Audrey!" Annie says as she prances to the closet and reaches up to the little knobs and pulls letting Aiden out. Aiden steps out of the closet and I feel insecure for a moment in my tight-fitting dress and my face covered in a mask of make-up.

"Wow Audrey, she did a good job on you." He says with a smile that sends chills down my spine, but then he continues, "Although, you're no where near as gorgeous as you usually are." As he says this, I feel a shade of scarlet creep into my face and bury itself in my cheeks.

"Hey Audrey!" Annie's little voice brings me back my composure and makes me aware of my surroundings again.

"What's up sweetie?" I ask her as I kneel down towards her on the floor.

"Let's play Dollies!" She says with such enthusiasm and sweetness that I can't help but say yes.

She walks over to a large dollhouse-large is an understatement-that looked exactly like this one.

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