Meeting The Family

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I wake up to find myself outside standing next to the shed, Aiden stands beside me. I try to talk to him but my mouth won't move, he steps in front of me, still trying to talk and ask how I got out here not even a sound comes for me to explain what is happening.

Aiden gains an uncharacteristic grin full of maliciousness...triumph? I wasn't sure how exactly to describe it, but for once he was scary and the object of my fear at the moment. He descends on me, I have to press myself against the cold metal walls of the shed to escape his decent, but to an avail.

His lips near my ear and I shutter. Aiden's breath tickles my ear faintly as it stirs my hair that had lain motionless next to my cheek. "So stupid." He chuckles quietly, "A stupid human, a mundane with false hope of getting close to a vampire. A Lord, of all ranks... You don't even deserve to know my hatred for people like you," My hands shake violently, I have to press them to the oddly warming metal sheets that are the walls of the shed.

What bothered me was the fear. Fear I knew he was capable of striking into people, into me. I ignored it, though it bothered me that it was there at all. Aiden wasn't someone to be scared of, not to me, but all I could think of at the moment was the sick energy running its self in my veins.

To avoid the unwanted feeling I listen to the things around me, I hear the wind rustle as his lips run along my shoulder and neck. I hear the sweet twitter of birds, light, happy and free... Then they become harsh and loud, just as Aiden sinks his teeth into my warm neck.

I jolt a wake with a gasp, looking to find the source of the loud buzzing and see my alarm clock blasting. My hand grips the blankets loosely and toss them away, they click the button and wipe my forehead to feel the beads of sweat that had formed on my hair line.

Cody jumps onto the bed holding his bowl, I sigh at this, not very much in the mood,"You impatient little rat," I grumble and get up from the bed and stretch hearing pops and feeling my muscles screech with protest at the strain. Humming contently, nightmare now forgotten, I walk into the kitchen carrying Cody's bowl, dropping it on the floor and pouring the pellets into the container.

He yips happily, much to my delight glad he didn't protest for more, I didn't feel like starting a battle with brown eyes I knew I couldn't win.

The warm shower relaxes my tense muscles and pounds comfortingly on my back. Once out and dressed I feel nervous, this is my last day until my job starts, not sure how to get through it I shrug and walk outside.

I take the frosty air into my lungs, it clears the moist vapor from the hot shower quickly, it's refreshing. Until a roar comes from the drive..

I listen helplessly as the car drives my nerves into the ground making my heart stop. A cadillac roars in next to my pathetic looking truck, Aiden steps out wearing a white shirt and black pants that hugs nicely to his toned chest and legs. I glance down at the clothes that I had thrown together not planning to see my vampire acquaintance. A lose shirt that says Deal With It and rather long pants that pass my feet and sags in awkward places. 'I don't want to know what my hair looks like.' I groan in my head.

Aiden eyes me,"Deal with what?," he asks with amusement.

"With me I guess," I say sheepishly and make an effort to look him in the eyes that fails.

"You're not drinking coffee?"


"You are not drinking coffee, I had expected you to have a cup this morning," he says and I shrug.

"Coffee isn't exactly my favorite, but yesterday I did need to relax," I tell him and he nods understanding. "What are you doing here?" I ask, but quickly add on, "Not that you can't be, I'm just- I was only wondering what-" while raising my hands as if to stop the rudeness, to draw it back in as not to offend him.

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