Chapter 7: Framed Jackal

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): Black fur?

Mitch: Wait...

Reporter: The fur was taken for testing, and it seems to belong to a Jackal called "Infinite!"


Crystal: Oh, hell noooooo!

Meggy: I know who did this! It was SMG3 and Desti! They're trying to frame Infinite for this so they can continue their plan without any interruptions!

(Y/N): That's very low, even for SMG3 and Desti.

SMG4: Damn right!

Crystal hugged Infinite tightly.

Infinite: Sweetheart...

Crystal: Honey, I won't let them take you away!

Infinite: We'll be okay, Crystal. Besides, I'm the freaking strongest warrior in the Multiverse! Besides, some police force won't take me down!

Mitch: Right on!

Dylan: You guys can deal with the popo if the time comes... We don't really have any powers like you guys.

Mario: Wow! Lame!

Dylan slapped Mario across the face.

Mario: OW!

Dylan: Stop it. Stop it.

Mario slowly nodded.

Dylan: Okay?

Mario nodded again, while making a sad face.

Dylan: Alright...

(Y/N): Anyways, once we do meet them, we'll tell them the truth!

Mitch: That won't be easy. The police believe Infinite has stole the Crown Jewels, so talking them out of it is not gonna a piece of cake.

Mario: Well, shite!

Mitch: The good news is however, is that they don't know where Infinite's location actually is. And also, people might think of the news as some stupid joke.

Dylan: Nice!

Infinite: Well, that's excellent to hear! 


The door suddenly burst open, as police officers stormed into the house and aimed their guns at everyone.

Mitch: WHOA!

Luigi: Stand back, I got a chainsaw!

Infinite: Hold your fire! You guys have been lied to!

Police Officer 1: BULLSHAT!

Police Officer 2: Yeah, right! How are we supposed to believe the thief of the Crown Jewels?!

(Y/N): He didn't steal them! 

Meggy: Just search the place, you'll find nothing!

Police Officer 1: Start investigating, boys!

Infinite: *Thoughts: Fuck... SMG3, you are a smart one.*

Police Officer 2: This room's clear!

Police Officer 3: Clear!

Police Officer 4: All sparkly clean in here!

Crystal: Phew...

Police Officer 1: Hmm... Where are they?!

Infinite: I swear, we don't have them!

SMG3 and Desti walked into the house.

Meggy: Not you again!

Desti: You haven't found them, sir?

Police Officer 1: No, we haven't!

SMG3: Well, lucky you! We found them buried in a chest in the garden!

Mitch: HUH?!

Desti dropped a chest on the floor and opened it, revealing the Crown Jewels.

Infinite: Oh... Shit.

(Y/N): G-guys... It's not what it looks like-

Police Officer 1: YOU DONE FUCKED UP NOW!

Police Officer 2: YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL!

Crystal: Uh uh uh!

SMG3: Oh, yes yes yes!

Infinite: SMG3, you'll pay for this! *Sigh* Fine... Take me to prison.

Mitch: What?!

Dylan: Infinite, no!

Infinite: I'll be fine, guys. *Wink* I know you can manage without me for a while.

Police Officer 1: Yeah yeah, be quiet!

Infinite got into the police car, as Crystal watched in shock.

Crystal: N-no...

Police Officer 3: Thank you for your time, SMG3 and Desti.

SMG3: We're happy we could help with this case!

Meggy: Liers!

Desti: Hey, shut up!

The police car sped off, and Crystal shed a few tears.

(Y/N): Fuck... This isn't good... Infinite got arrested...

Meggy: No... He's not staying in prison! We're breaking him out!

Mitch: Hold your horses there, Meggy! You do that, you'll only end up getting arrested too!

(Y/N): But we need to save Infinite!

Dylan: We'll find a way, okay?

You walked over to Crystal and hugged her tightly.

(Y/N): Don't worry... This will all be fixed soon...

Crystal: *Sniff* Okay...

(Well, shit! I'm in prison. That's no good.)

Anyways, lata-


SMG3: Alright! It is done!

Desti: Our most powerful creation yet..

In front of the evil couple, was a supermassive Metal Gear RAY.

SMG3: This baby is eighty meters tall, and is bulletproof! Nothing will get in our way now!

Desti: Defiantly! We just need to add a few more things, and then we can conquer the world!

SMG3: Indeed, my love... Indeed we can...

(Ah, crap. Another one.)

Anyways, lata!

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