Final Chapter: Francis, the Mad Scientist

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You jumped out of the portal and looked around... You were finally home.

(Y/N): Oh my god...

Meggy hopped out of the portal and landed in your arms, you blushed and kissed her on the lips.

(Y/N): We are home...

Meggy: Yeah... Our friends are gonna go crazy.

The rest of the crew leapt out of the portal, and it vanished.

Tari: Yahoo! We're back!

Mario: Where's the spaghetti?! 

SMG4 hugged his computer and booted it up.

Luigi: What an adventure!

Saiko: It was interesting...

Fishy Boopkins: And we made two new friends!

Bowser: Yeah, those two boys were cool!

(Y/N): I hope we see them again one day...

B0b: SaMe! NoW... iF yOu ExCuSe Me, I nEeD tO hAvE mY dAiLy DoSe Of BoObIeS!

Crystal: Dafuq...?

The Garo ran out of the room and slammed the door.

SMG4: I better get back to work.

Tari: I'll help!

Saiko: Guess I'll drink wine with the other me.

Infinite: I guess it's just us four now.

Meggy: Yep. 

(Y/N): Let's head over to SB123 Mario and SB123 Meggy's mansion!

Crystal: Okie dokie! Infinite, care to do the honors?

Infinite smiled and teleported everyone back to the mansion, you knocked on the door and waited for a response.

Meggy: I wonder what happened while we were gone?

(Y/N): Hmm... Judging by no burnt down Mushroom Kingdom, everything has been fine.

Infinite: Hopefully...

The door opened, as SB123 Meggy walked out.

SB123 Meggy: Huh-

Infinite: Hey, SB123 Meggy! We're back...!


(Y/N): *Chuckle*

You smiled with Meggy as SB123 Meggy hugged Infinite and Crystal tightly.

Crystal: We've missed you so much!

SB123 Meggy: *Sniff* Likewise, Crystal...

SB123 Mario: Hmm? What is it Megg- HOLY SHITO!

(Y/N): Wassup?

Luna: Mom, dad!

The Wolfal joined the hug as SmeshBras123 and Cristina walked downstairs. 

Luna: How was the Real World?!

Cristina: I already know what it's like, but do tell your experience!

SmeshBras123 walked up to Infinite and hugged him as tight as he could. 

Infinite: Heh heh, missed me?

SmeshBras123: Yes... We got a lot of stuff to tell you...

Cristina: But... We'll save the bad news for last...

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