Last Night- June 3rd, 2019

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Hi Margo, hows my baby girl doing? 😊❤

?gniod lrig ybab ym swoh, ogram iH

*Cooing* Momma *Grins* *Smiling* dada *laughs* *giggling* *Drools* Give you bottle, bottle! *laughs* Momma *Happy* Hold, want hold! *Smiles* *Giggles* Bottle, drink! *laughs* Mamma, hi *smiles*

Hi sweetheart 😊❤

*Smiles* Momma *Smiles* drink bottle, sick *giggles* 

traehteews iH

Drink!  Ta! Ta! *Smiles* Bottle! *Humming* Hee! Hee! Want hugs, I hug.

Thanks for the hugs sweetie. 😊

.eiteews sguh eht rof sknahT

*Smiles* Hee! Hee! Want toys! *smiles* toys! *giggles* ha! ha! *grins* love you, toys! *Grins* from you! *smiles* Momma, Joker *grins* hee, Ta!

Ta- Ta Ta!

You call me Ta Ta?

Ha Ha! Ta! Ta! *Smiles* Momma! *Drools alot* Have cake! Your my mommy!

This is so weird

driew os si siht

*Drools* *Grins* We want toys! *Smiles* *Starts crying* Toys! *Upset *Hiccuping alot* Hiccup! Hiccup!


Brb- Bottle! *cries* Bottle!

*hands Margo bottle*

*elttob ogram sdnah*

*Smiles, laughing* Ta! Ta! Bottle! Bottle! *Starts cooing again* Mamma! *Drinks Water* *Yawns* Sleepy, ha!

Ha- ha ha

*Gives Margo a doll*

*llod a ograM seviG*

*Laughing alot* Doll! Doll! *laughing* *Grabs doll* Your my momma. *Smiles* love *Giggles, laughing* *Smiles*

*Smiles*- *Smiles* I'm sleepy, I'm sleepy! *Tired*

Do you want to nap?

?Pan ot tnaw uoy oD

Nap? *Yawns*  nap? Momma, Ta Ta, Nap, want nap! Your my mommy, don't go!

Go- *Cooing alot*

I'm not leaving, I'm here 😊❤

.ereh m'I , gnivael ton m'I

*Smiles* *Grinning* Hee! Hee! I'm tired! *Grinning* Tired! *Very angry* *Getting tired alot* Momma, I'm tired, *fighting tiredness*

Tiredness- I'm tired *angry* tired! *Doesn't understand tiredness* Sleepy! Sleepy!

Let's sleep than

naht peels s'teL

*Grinning* *Starts yawning*  Hee! Hee! *Happy* *Is really tired* *Starts snuggling* Me love


*Very tired* love momma

I love you too. 😊

oot uoy evol I

Momma! Momma! *Tired* Your my momma! I love you. *Very tired*

Tired- *Tired* *Is sleeping* understand?  - Joker

Goodnight you guys, love you

Margo Napier Where stories live. Discover now