Chris: if you work hard it'll happen. We can do it together.

Sabrina: I'll hold you to that

Chris: I can't wait to do our video

Sabrina: yes!!! I can show off my acting skills.

We decided at our reception we were going to recreate the day we met. As soon as we walk off the elevator were gonna to walk into our reception it's like a transition. It's gone be dope as fuck!

We're gonna add a few lines but I can't wait

Sabrina: ok I think I've walked enough can we go

Chris: alright come on chunky butt

Sabrina: lol stop with the names midget dick

Chris: lol now me and you both know that's a fuckin lie girl!

Sabrina: carry me to the car freckle face

Chris; you must be crazy I ain't carrying yo fat ass

Sabrina: ok you going to fucking far now bitch!

Chris; whatever bit-

She looked at me like I was crazy

Sabrina: take me home now!

We got back to the car and that seemed like it took years with her fat ass.

Of course we had to get her some food before we went home.

When we got home after we ate we just laid down and I sung to Sabrina's stomach as she was sleep.

I ended up falling asleep right on her stomach.


2 weeks later

Today is my baby shower and it's also the day Chris leaves to go on tour. I was supposed to be happy but I've been secretly crying in the bathroom or closet all day. He thought he was leaving tomorrow morning but he's has to leave in an hour.

I am now 8 and a half months pregnant and my contractions are kicking in. I had a doctors appointment and My doctors doesn't think I'll make it to my due date. I haven't told Chris because I didn't want him to worry.

I sat on the bed and I just watched his every move.

He just stopped and looked at me and I just bust out crying

Sabrina: please don't go

Chris: baby I really don't want to

Sabrina: this is so unfair! I need you and they know that

Chris: don't cry baby it's your day smile! I'll be back

Sabrina: I can't stop crying I watched you sleep last night and I just cried and cried. I'm going to miss you baby

He kissed me

Chris: I'll be back before you know it baby

He rolled up my shirt and started kissing all over my stomach.

Chris: do daddy a favor and stay in there until I get back

Sabrina: ugh I guess she's saying yes.. Give me your hand

Chris: you contracting?

Sabrina: yeah they've been non stop today and yesterday

Chris: you gone make it?

Sabrina: yeah my mom is coming over and your mom

Chris: I gotta head out you gone walk me to the door

My eyes watered up again.

Sabrina: this is so fucked up

Chris: come on baby

He grabbed his stuff and we headed downstairs

We got out to the truck and I just hugged him and cried.

Chris: stop crying baby

Sabrina: I can't your leaving me and it feel like she's about to pop out

Chris: you get any worse I'm coming back baby

Sabrina: I'll be fine

Chris: I'll text you

Sabrina: ok

Chris: I love you so much baby

Sabrina: I love you so much more

We shared a long kiss then I finally let him go. I watched him pull off and the tears just poured down my face.

Later on

Lisa: ok Sabrina just breathe

I was kneeling on the side of my bed in front of my mom as Chris's mom rubbed my back. I felt like I was giving birth.

Joyce: I'm calling Chris

Sabrina: no please. I'm fine

Joyce: your obviously in labor Sabrina

Lisa: you need to go to the hospital

Sabrina: I have spent so much money on this baby shower I can't cancel it!

Lisa: Sabrina don't be hard headed

Sabrina: please just let me go to the baby shower

Lisa: ok it's time to get ready

Before I did anything I took the longest hot bath ever and it felt so good. It would only feel better if my fiancé was here.

Joyce: honey your people are here

My mom came in and helped out. I was in so much pain but I'm not telling them.

I started getting ready but I was contracting so I would have to keep stopping. We finally got everything done and I got dressed then we were out the door.

We pulled up to the venue and when I got inside I was blown away. It was so beautiful and I just cried and cried

Sabrina: omg I love it! I wish my babies were here!

Joyce: this is beautiful

I looked up at the screen that showed my pictures from my photo shoot. I was so in love right now.

I was having the time of my life. Dancing laughing, most importantly eating. But now my contractions were back. And they are really close

Joyce: we gotta get you out of here

Sabrina: just let me open the gifts

Joyce: that's it and then your leaving.

Sabrina: ok

We were opening the gifts and everything was so beautiful. It was so much stuff I didn't know how I was gonna get it all home. I need a uhaul

I was taking a picture with one of the gifts, smiling through my pain. When somebody came behind me and kissed my cheek and grabbed my stomach

It scared the shit out of me.

I turned around and it was Chris!!!!!!!!

Sabrina: omg I don't know whether to be so happy cause your here or to panic because you just made my water break.

I rolled my dress up and I was leaking

Sabrina: look at what you did!

Chris; lets get you to the hospital.

Chloe Mackenzie Brown is ready to make her debut!!!

Rocket; A Chris Brown StoryWhere stories live. Discover now