"Well isn't that great now, keyla"

"Enough with the 'these day' topic, daddy need some food......"

Without even without any my notice, my dad suddenly appear behind me with wearing just a simple shirt that has america flag print and a blue trousers. My dad has his own 'taste' for clothing and me? Just simple but yet 'boyyish' at the same time. "Well shall we start the dinner?" Mom said while she take off her pink apron that i gave her for last mother's day ^^.

Tonight we have Broccoli Chicken Casserole. This delicious chicken and broccoli casserole recipe is a twist on chicken divan that came from an old boss. It’s quick, satisfying comfort food.
Second is Creamy Bratwurst Stew. A rich sauce coats this hearty combination of potatoes, carrots and bratwurst chunks. Third and my favouritte is mom handmade-meat loaf. This well-seasoned roast is Mom’s specialty. Everyone loves slices of the fork-tender roast beef and its savory gravy, and people always ask what her secret ingredients are. And lastly for the drink, we just have a simple iced lemon tea. Hey although that we were actually rich and all, we still love simplicity like much '-'/.

I haven't feel this moment like ever. My dad always on his job for  a longgg time and now he sit next to me plus i have keyla tonight. Smiling all day long that i can do, today might be one of the best day ever.

The four of us already sit on the dinning table. And let me tell you guys something about my mom, My mother is a classic person, in the sense that all furniture items in the house must have their own artistic value.

Housewives who are crazy about classic items if I can say. specifically for tonight dinner, my mother took out a rare silver food utensils that seemed to come from her special cupboard for keeping his special food utensils.

"Before we start to eat, lets pray together..." Dad already put his hands together, prepare to lead the pray. Me, mom and also keyla follow what my dad do and we all bow our head. My family is not exactly religious but in the same time we must thanks to god for all this nice convenience.

Five minutes later....

"Finish...now....lets eat!!!" I was half screaming and prepared to take mom handmade meatloaf.
"Hey, (Y/N). Are you done with wash your hand?" Keyla said while he stand up, went to the dish washing and wash her hands

"My...my...look! Keyla has the 'princess' attitude that i adore so much....unlike (Y/N)..."

"Oh mom. Don't you love me just the way i am.." i grimmed and went to the dish washing. "Like father, like daughter.." dad said while he eat the meatloaf without washing her hand.


Keyla grinned and nudge my elbow slowly "Well i think that your parents is suit to be actor or...maybe an actress for some soap opera, pfft-.."

"Keylaa, dont you say such a thing....."


08.00 pm

Thanks to four people in this room, including me have already finish the big feast (i meant the food lol). Right now me and keyla washing some leftover dirty dishes while my mom and dad watch some reality show in the living room.

"Oh yeah. (Y/N), you told me that your parents is going to say something important tonight....was it anyway?" just finished wipe the last plate when keyla suddenly say that question. I leaned against the sink while crossing my both arms."I dont know for sure, but i think there is going to be involve with my upcoming summer vacation...."

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